Chapter 02: Why so much noise?

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Charli's POV

I was listening to Alex's idea, it was to make a love potion.

There was a week long one and 2 day one. We chose the 2 day one because we just wanted them to stop fighting all the time.

Jade was doing something funny so I had to put the potion down before I broke it.

I grabbed it after I put it down and put in the drink.

"Who should we give it to?" Alex said.

Knowing every boy in the group Jade had said "Sora. He is more easily to trick and Jaxx would obviously ask to many questions, and if we were to make one for Charli and Light, it would be Light, he would just say 'Oh you made a drink for me?' And for me and Drake, just choose me. I will always take anything but if I am uncomfortable I  put my hand on my mouth. That's how you know who to give it to."

"Did we really need to know about all of that?" Alex said annoyed at Jade.

"Of course! It's important to know your boys." She said.

I rolled my eyes, "It's ready." I said.

"Ok, come on." Alex said.

"Ok, but where are they?" Jade asked.



"Hey! Sora come here." Jade said.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Here is something with a gummy worm taste!" She said.

"Wow! What is this? I really like it, especially when you make it~" Sora had said smirking, as a joke obviously by the way he stared at me.

"O-Oh something random. But uh...enjoy!" She ran off blushing.

I knew Drake wasn't happy about this. He got up and went to Jade's room and locked the door.

Alex was blushing at the fact her friend was practically locked in her room till Drake would let her out.

"Damn it Sora! Now Jade's gonna be frickin in a prison cell." Alex said.

"O-Oh...Well she should have fun." He said so carelessly.

Hey bestues. So here is the second chapter. I was so bored and at 2 in the morning I'm posting this lol. Anyways enjoy!

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