03: Just shut up and f*ck me.

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Sora's POV

I didn't care that Jade was technically in a prison cell. But I was blushing when I heard some noises out of Jade's room 😃.

I wanted to bother Jaxx so I went to his room.

"Hey Jaxx!" I say.

"Why do you flirt with other people when you have me?" He said looking down.

"What the fu-" I could barely finish my sentence before he kissed me.

"WAIT!" I yelled.

"The door?" I said smirking.

"Go close it then." He said.

I closed it and went back to his bed.

"So do you want to continue?" I ask.

He kissed me and started to go down.

I started moaning a little. (Totally needed to know that. 😃)

The door creak but Jaxx continued.

"Oh my-" Said one of the girls but I didn't know who.

I thought.. Jade's trapped, Alex was still sad about her friend and Charli wasn't doing anything really. So it was Charli.

She took a picture then Jaxx finally stopped.

"COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE-" He said yelling.

I pulled him back. "Just shut up and f*ck me." I said.

He did as I said.

I have sinned many times. But this- this is different 😃. Anyways I'm going to go cry cause I can't look at Sora, Jaxx, Jade, Alex, Zach or basically every squad member the same as I used to. 🥲 Enjoy though.

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