Old Flame

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"Thank god you're here" says Camila sitting at the nurses desk

"What's up" I say

"Well the nurse are good because we have a focused leader" says Camila pointing at Amber"But the doctors...I don't know what's going on"

"I'm only here to take a penny out of a nose...Megan, Bonnie and my sister are at my house and I'd rather me there then here"

"You have a sister" says Camila"You never told me that"

"Well, no offense but we were just fucking... respectfully" I say smiling

"I can respect that" says Camila shaking her head and handing me the chart

I walk in and Amber is playing with his toys with him.

"Look who's here, this is the doctor I was telling you about" says Amber smiling

"You can walk on your hands"

"What's your name" I say looking at his chart


"Well Derek I can but it gonna cost ya"  I say as I grab the stool and sit infront of him

"How much" says Derek as his eyes light up

"Just one penny" I say

"Sounds reasonable" says Derek"It's up my nose though"

"Tell you what, I'll get it out and that will be my payment" I say"Deal?"

"Deal" says Derek putting his little hand out

"Perfect" I say shaking his hand

It takes about 20 minutes to get the penny out but amber kept him calm during the whole thing. I was worried about the nurses a little but I really shouldn't be.

"Okay I've got my payment" I say putting it on the tray next to me"Now handstand time"

"Thank you" says Amber

"Where are his parents" I say

"He's in foster care, they should be here soon to get him" says Amber

Any child I see that is in foster care I automatically get triggered. A kid like him needs a home. Not foster care where they aren't paying attention and letting him put fucking pennies up his nose.

"You ready" I say

I get down in a push up position and start bring my legs up then walk on my hands towards him.

"How do you do that?" Says Derek

"Being able to lift my body weight" I say

"What's your name" says Derek

"Dr....Kehlani" I say

"That's a cool name" says Derek smiling"It's was nice meeting you and thank you for getting the penny out"

"Anytime... hopefully not soon though" I say as Camila comes in to do his discharge papers

"You okay" says Amber as we walk out of the room"He's a smart young boy, wish I had the time for another child"

"Yeah, me too" I say"It's hard being a foster kid but when you're a person of color it makes things even harder"

"Thanks for the help, go home to your family...relax" says Amber

"I will and what are you doing for dinner" I say

"God I don't know if I'll get to eat dinner...I haven't even eaten breakfast" says Amber

"Fuck, well dinner is on me" I say"Text me and I'll grab you something and work a bit so you can eat something"

"Thank you" says Amber

"Anything for my favorite nurse" I say turning around and running into Keke and Normani

"Hey...you guys" I say I get a big smile on my face because I'm about to burst their bubble

"Hey, thanks for taking of the kid" says Keke

"Derek is his name and yeah" I say"It was pleasure"

"Well guess you better get back to your girl and baby" says Keke laughing

"Yeah, you should be home Kehlani" says Normani

"Yeah, I've got a full house now" I say"My sister Amala came in to check on me so she's here too"

"Doja's here" says Keke looking away

I could see she wanted to ask more but she was afraid what Normani will think.

"Yeah, but I'm gonna head out" I say walking past them

"I gotta chat with her" says Keke

"Um...okay" says Normani

"Lani" says Keke running after me

"I knew you would come running" I say laughing"What is it with you and Amala. You just walked away from your girl to find out about her"

"She's my first love and she's just so fucking..." Says Keke

"I don't want to know that about my sister...your lucky I even let you around her" I say

"She's grown" says Keke

"Yeah but, I don't thinks the women you knew before...she seems different" I say"Not different enough to not fuck you over again though"

"Tell her I want to see her" says Keke

I see Normani walking up and and seems like she heard what she said

"Yeah just stop" I say making hand movements trying to get her to shut up

"Just tell her how hard is that" says Keke folding her arms

"Tell who what" says Normani

"I left some candle's on the stove and I smell them burning... gotta go" I say turning around and leaving

"What are you talking about" says Normani

"Me and her sister had beef in college, I just want to try to squash it" says Keke"It's for the best"

"Oh, it just seemed like something else" says Normani

"No, everything is good" says Keke

At Kehlanis house

"This is bussin" says Megan eating the food Doja gave her

"Thanks, I just really didn't have the passion for food" says Doja sitting next to Megan"Do you love Kehlani?"

"Of course, she's the sweetest person and I feel safe around her" says Megan"She goes above and beyond for our daughter...I couldn't ask for more"

"I didn't mean to put you on the spot but Kehlani is really important to me. That's why I was keeping my distance before, she would do anything for me. I can't say I've always been that way to her. I wanna be here for my niece and you guys, I'm tired of doing nothing" says Doja"And you seem perfect for her, she's less fuckboi doctor and more family doctor and I like it for her"

"I feel you and I appreciate that" says Megan" and it seems like your on a great start to being an awesome aunt. She's not easy to put to sleep"

"I sang to her" says Doja"It wasn't the most appropriate though"

"I used to blast UGK while she was in my stomach, she's heard it all" says Megan"Kehlani plays her sublime and Bob Marley when she goes to see her during her lunch break"

"Not surprising at all" says Doja"Your just lucky you weren't around during her Nerdcore rap phase... painfully educational"


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