chapter 4: new faces

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Ever since the day y/n appeared in this world, only Third knew about her. But it had to change one day. And that day is.. well, today.

Y/n was checking her bandages when she heard a knock on her room's door. "Come in." she responded.

Third opened the door with a worried expression. "We're gonna have to meet some countries, Y/n. But don't worry, I'll protect you just like I said, alright?" He said.

"Do we have to?" Y/n replies curiuosly.

"Yes, Y/n. There are rules that we have to follow. Now, we better get you ready. Say, uhm, are you alright with wearing dresses?"

"Uhm, yes? I don't see a problem in wearing them."

"I'm just making sure. I know a few girls that prefer to wear pants over dresses, so I didn't want to force you to wear something you didn't like."

"That's really sweet of you, Reich!" Y/n smiled.

Reich was slightly caught off-guard from the compliment. No one ever called him that. It was new to him, but he liked it anyways.

"O-oh, uh, t-thank you! You're really sweet too!" He quickly responded, slightly lost at words.

"No problem. So, when are we going out exactly?" Y/n asked, sitting on her bed.

"We're leaving in an hour, so we still have some time. I apologise for not telling sooner about this." Reich responds, looking for a dress that would fit Y/n.

After a few minutes, Reich finds some choices to choose from.

"Which one do you like the most?" He asks.

Y/n looks at the dresses and responds.

"The middle one. It looks plain, but not too plain. Plus, it's [f/c], my favorite color." She replies.

Reich nods and puts the other dresses back to a closet.

"I'll leave you to dress up. When you're finished, head downstairs, i'll be waiting for you there." Reich explains. Y/n nods and waits for Reich to leave the room.

Once the door was closed, Y/n took off her current clothes and tossed them onto the bed, quickly putting on the [f/c] dress and checking out the dress in the mirror.

It fit Y/n perfectly and the girl couldn't feel any happier. She practically flew out of the room and headed downstairs to see Reich, alelready in his suit, leaning against a wall and looking out the window. She quietly approached the Countryhuman and looked to his side. The country turned his eyes from the view towards the smaller girl, slightly smilling at her.

"Well, enjoy the view while you can. You will most definetly not see it again." The third Reich responds with a sad chuckle.

Y/n shook her head, hugging Reich from the side, which really took him by suprise.

"No! I will not let that happen! I'll convince them to let me stay here! I'm sure they'll listen to me." Y/n exclaimed confidently. Reich couldn't help but chuckle.

"I'm afraid that it won't happen. You see.. the other countries don't trust me a lot, so they'll most likely assume that I forced you to say such a thing, since they know that I have a record of.. manipulating some countries in the past.

"Oh come on! What HAVEN'T you done?!" Y/n asks desperately.

"You'd be surprised." He smiles.

They continue to have some more short conversations until it was time for them to leave.

"Y/n, promise me, that you won't forget about me." Reich says, resting a hand on Y/n's shoulder, looking into her eyes.

"Why would I forget you? You're the first person in a long time to give me a shelter and sense of hope!" Y/n responds hapilly.

"Love me" Countryhumans x child!readerWhere stories live. Discover now