Chapter 1- The Beginning

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F/D - Favorite Drink
F/B/F- Favorite Breakfast Food
Y/N- Your Name
L/N- Last Name

I hear the blasted sound of my alarm. I immediately turn the damned thing off. God I wonder why I decided to get one of those. I slip out of bed and turn on the shower. I don't like to consider myself boring. I am extra ordinary, nothing too special about me. Well this is yale, you've got to be creative or you'll just blend in. As I get out of the shower I feel a cold shiver down my spine and wrap a tower around me and I take a look at my closet.

Most of it is browns, blues and blacks.  I search through my closet feeling the fabrics of the clothing as I push them aside. I pull out a black turtleneck, a dark blue plaid skirt, and a dark brown trench coat. I put on my Mary Janes which are essential. I pack my books in a brown letterman bag. I sigh as I drink my F/D watching outside my window and eating a F/B/F. F/B/F are essential, especially when you're me. Y/N L/N. A college student on their first day. I'm 18, straight out of high school. I've had my heart set on Yale since I was 8 like  Blair Waldorf.  I walk out of my dorm and into the chilly September morning, I'm grateful it's not too much of a long walk. Especially to the psychology building.

I  show up to class early to try and get a good seat near the front. I'm of course the first one, my mother always got me into the habit that from a young age. My first class is Behavioral Psychology, I don't know why the professor chose such an early time for class. Truly I think it was a fault on his part for making us all come in at 7:30AM. Way to make us sleep deprived. After all, sleep is essential for being able to process new memories.I take out my book and start to read before class starts. The students pile in, the room is filled with chatter. It makes reading a little difficult when everyone is talking. The professor walked in as I put in my bookmark and look up at him. I felt the blood drain from my face.

That's the guy from the bar. The really hot guy in the bar. The one I had sex with, oh my god I had sex with my professor. He hasn't seem to notice me in his class yet. He wrote on the board in a marker. "Dr. Spencer Reid" he turned around and scanned the room and locked eyes with me. It was only for a second, I could feel the surprise in his eyes but then turned away very quickly then grabbing papers. "Come take a syllabus and sign your name on the sheet" he spoke sternly and so clear. "You may leave when you're done, if there any questions about my course, please schedule a time to meet with me during my office hours. " he spoke this time still stern, but this time with a small fake smile.

The students piled in line, i decided to wait until everyone was gone to go grab a syllabus. After all, the line was far too long to get into. After the last student left I grabbed a syllabus and wrote my name as neat as i can on the sheet. 'Y/N L/N'  "Y/N hm? You never said you were majoring in psychology " he said sitting at his desk feeling his gaze on me I shifted up to look up at his hazel eyes " Well we didn't really say much " I said and bite my lower lip " Y/N, this can't go on " he said sternly . "I know that, It was a one night stand." If only it could... I feel so desperate. I would to get on my hands and knees and beg. "I'm your professor, it wouldn't be appropriate." he says almost as if he was reading my mind. He looks away, it's not entirely wrong. I'm  still only 18, It's not illegal. After all, i'm able to make my own choice. I'm an adult for heavens sake. I don't say anything. What could I even say? Spencer looks at me with his soft hazel eyes.  "I'm sorry Y/N" he said softly just barely a whisper before leaving the room leaving me alone in this dimly lit lecture hall.

I fall onto my bed, my back feeling immediate relief. I sigh going over the encounter with Dr. Reid in the lecture hall in my head . Then the encounter with him on Saturday at the bar. "Can I please get some service?!" I yell. It's radio silence.  I look at the clock to see the time . "Are you alright?" The man across from me asks nicely "I'm fine, thank you, just exhausted,  I just got here from New York" I say kindly "where in New York?" He asks, the man is very attractive with his soft brown curls and light hazel eyes. " Queens" I say nodding with a small smile "Queens boroughs on Long Island across the East River from Manhattan. Flushing Meadows Corona Park, with the Unisphere, a 12-story 1964 World's Fair globe sculpture, hosts the annual U.S. Open tennis tournament. The park's Queens Museum is known for the "Panorama," a building-for-building model of New York City." he said I nodded along watching his hand gestures and how focused he was on the facts

" so you go to caltech?" I ask noticing his shirt " i graduated a few years ago, I'm gonna start my first teaching job" he says " That's interesting " I say " What's your major?" He asks "uh I'm not sure maybe pre-med " I say " I'm teaching behavioral psychology " he says I chuckle " I'm impressed" He comments "Why? Is that?" I ask genuinely curious  "Not a lot of people  think they can handle it, especially the rigorous courses in pre-med" he says and scoots closer "interesting " I say "I'd like to get to know you" i say " I'd like to get to know you too" He says. Soon as I know it we're making out in the bathroom and well we had sex in a bathroom.

I blink out of my daydream and stare back at the ceiling. Dr. Reid feels so much more stern in the classroom then he was at the bar. He's so different. Luckily for me that was my only class for the day. So I can lie down on my bed for a while. I can't help but wonder what goes on inside that beautiful brain of his. My stomach growled and I sit up and stare at my phone it reads 12:00PM. I haven't ate since 6AM, since before Psychology with Dr.Reid. I decide to go the local Café.

The café have amazing coffee. Who knew they had great coffee. Café s near colleges are suppose to be terrible. I pick up my book as the hot coffee burns my mouth. I wince as I put the coffee down and read my book. I look up to see someone very familiar with very fluffy brown hair has his nose in a book. I finish my coffee and pull up a chair to his table. Why i'm doing this I don't know. "Dr. Reid?" I ask he looks up " Y-Y/n" he looked surprised to see me "I have a question about the course" I gulp I didn't except to run into him but i really did have a question about the course. "Yes please go ahead Ms. L/N" he replies clearing his throat. "In the syllabus you didn't say if we were going to learn about abnormal psychology, will that be apart of the course?" I ask fidgeting with my fingers looking down

"We will be covering abnormal psychology a little bit" He replies calmed almost like him speaking about psychology just magically calms him down. "Thank you Dr. Reid, Is that Nicholas Sparks?" I ask him puzzled by the book near his very light colored colored coffee. He very clearly very much likes a lot of sugar in his coffee.  "It is, I recon you're familiar with him?" He asks with a smile and licks his bottom lip.   "Oh absolutely, He's one of the best romance authors" I remark with a smile "You seem like an avid reader for a woman." he remarks "For a woman? I never took you as someone who would like romance novels especially Nicholas Sparks."  I say as I sip my third coffee of the day

" I didn't take myself to like Nicholas Sparks but he's not awful" he says as he sips his coffee as well almost mimicking my movements. I was shocked, a man liked Nicholas sparks without being hounded by a girlfriend. Or maybe he was hounded by a girlfriend who knows. "What book of his are you reading?" I asked curiously "The Notebook" he says taking the book out of his brown leather letterman bag sliding it across the table. "A classic, I see" I give him a small smile and turn to the page he's reading.

154, that's the page he's reading. I reread it quickly and smiled. "How do you like it?" I asked looking into his soft chocolate eyes. The corners of his lips curve upwards into a smile, he licks the bottom of his lip. "It's interesting, I've never read a book I never didn't like." He remarks "what's your favorite book?" I ask "The Narrative of John Smith By Arthur Conan Doyle " he replies drinking his coffee "interesting" I remark his phone rings right before he was going to say something. "I'm sorry Ms. L/N, I have to take this" Spencer says right before he goes outside and answers the phone.

I watch his body language as he tenses up and looks slightly upset. He walks back in to the coffee shop. "I'm so sorry Ms.L/N, I have to go but I wrote some notes in the book, keep it" he says before he puts on his coat ,puts on his bag and leaves. "Goodbye Dr.Reid" I whisper when he leaves. I finish up my coffee and leave the coffee shop as well.

I sit down at my desk and flip through the book Spencer gave me. On the next page to the title page he wrote "The very essence of romance is uncertainty" - Oscar Wilde. Spencer wrote cute little doodles and notes on the pages . It was sweet, the way I felt around him it made butterflies in my stomach and electric whenever we touch . You know the basic feelings when you like someone. I have a strong feeling this course will be an interesting one. Especially with Dr. Reid. Who knows maybe something will happen. Even if it shouldn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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