What paper is better?

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I made a thing. Also this chapter that isn't technically a chapter is a thing I literally just threw together cuz I realised how long it's been since I updated. I'm so sorry :(

It was in the early morning when Gojo saw him sitting on a bench looking simultaneously frazzled and composed. If Gojo had been some random person walking pass he wouldn’t have noticed but he wasn’t and he knew the man seated on the bench like the back of his own hand – his hands were amazing, so he knows the backs very well – so he was easily able to see the tension that lined the well-dressed man’s shoulders as well as the slight slouch to his usually stiff posture and the fact that he kept drumming his hands against the hilt of his covered blade in an uncharacteristic show of nervousness.

Time to surprise him with my beautiful face, he thought as he trotted over to where the blond male was seated and draped himself across the empty space throwing an arm along the back of the bench in Nanami’s direction, the limb almost hitting off the other man’s shoulders that had stiffened and tensed further with his sudden appearance.

Blue eyes covered by black fabric looked down to see a bandaged blade at his throat. Using his index finger, he pushed the blade away and ignored Nanami’s surprise in favour of teasing the younger male. “Now, now Nanamin~ what if I was some innocent little civilian,” he made a show of placing his hands on his cheeks in faux innocence his bottom lip trembling as if he were about to cry. “You could have hurt me then where would you be? Locked up in jail Nanamin, orange doesn't suit you.” Gojo barked a laugh at the glare being sent his way that no doubt would have made others tremble in fear.

Nanami grunted at the dramatics of his friend despite years of having to deal with the narcissistic and childish skyscraper it still annoyed him when he did things like this out in public, like the park they are currently in. He would take it to his grave that he was grateful for Satoru’s perfect timing because he was honestly worried about what had happened and where he was and how he arrived in this familiar yet unfamiliar place. “So, this is where you disappeared too then?”

“Uh-huh,” the whitette chirped as he rifled through his pockets and removing a small, half eaten box of pocky which he then offered to Nanami who politely declined, he has a very strict diet that he has to stick to, and he would not allow the man-child to goad him off of it. “It’s a bit boring though,” he whined waving a pocky stick in the air, “the only interesting thing is that I am now a detective. It’s been pretty fun so far plus my co-worker is cute.”

The blond twitched at that. “It is highly inappropriate to have romantic relations with someone in the workplace,” he scolded Satoru who simply dismissed him with a wave of his hand, Nanami could only sigh at the man’s lack of propriety but at least if he had someone else to shove his affections towards, he’d stop asking Nanami out. Hopefully. Knowing the man as well as he did, he could safely assume that even if this co-worker had garnered his attention, he would continue to harass Nanami simply because it amused him. Bastard.

“There’s no ‘romantic relations’ Nanamin I just said he was cute.”

“Yes, well knowing you, cute means you’re going to do everything you can to get him to go on a date with you which is pathetic.”

“So mean Nanamin!” Satoru exclaimed loudly holding a hand to his chest and placing his arm across his forehead as he draped himself across Nanami who glared at him.

With a quiet sigh he rose to stand from the bench, causing Gojo to fall until he was lying along the entire seat and pout, and brushed non-existent dirt from his jacket. He narrowed his eyes when he spotted a loose thread on the arm of the suit jacket and made a mental note to have that fixed. A pitiful whine caught his attention and he looked down to see that the white-haired man had anime tears streaming down his face as he stuffed his mouth with the last of the pocky. World’s Strongest Sorcerer my ass, more like the world’s strongest man-child.

Tucking his blade more securely into the confines of his light-coloured coat he pulled his tie up from where it had loosened and was hanging at his chest and turned his spectacle covered eyes to the surrounding area. There was nothing unfamiliar about this place, everything was almost identical to the Yokohoma of his world although this one seemed to be a few years behind in the technology department. Despite the similarities Kento couldn’t help but feel out of place, like he didn’t belong here – he didn’t but that’s not the point – and he wanted to leave, wanted to go back home. The thought was almost childish enough for him to scoff but it was reasonable, he may be an incredibly powerful sorcerer, but this place felt wrong. The only comfort is that Satoru was also here, not that he’d ever admit that as the world might collapse if the man’s ego grows any bigger.

His agenda right now was meeting Gojo’s new co-workers and making sure they weren’t a bunch of murderers playing detective the man was hanging around because they’re amusing, his sense of morality has been screwed since before Kento ever met him and it often fell to him to make sure the man didn’t join a cult or some weird group that demand ritual sacrifice for some eldritch being with a deer head – that happened once and that is one time too many.

Kento didn’t know if this world could survive having a Satoru Gojo meandering its streets doing whatever he pleases because he can and honestly who can stop him – Kento can through years of friendship and bribery, mainly the latter.

Deeming himself sufficiently presentable he turned back to the still crying snow-haired man, he was crying over having no pocky left now, and huffed an annoyed breath. This man’s dramatics would be the death of him, of Kento that is. “Very well, bring me to these people you work with. I’d like to meet them.”

Those words brought a rapid end to the stream of fake tears flowing down Gojo’s face as the man perked up quickly sitting upright and sending a grin at the standing man. “Aw you do care! You’re such a tsundere Nanamin.” Standing up Gojo brushed non-existent dirt from his trousers and Kento finally noticed the drastic change in outfit. He had to admit the casual, yet semi-formal look suited the man quite well. Kento was brought from his observations when a hard slap was delivered to his shoulder causing him to stumble forward half a step before righting himself, damn that man and his strength even holding back that stung. “Come on Nanamin we’re not that far from the Agency.”


Turns out they actually weren’t that far from the building – Nanami had been sceptical of the man’s words at first because years of teleporting had definitely messed with his sense of distance – only around a ten-minute walk that ended being twenty because Satoru kept getting distracted or decided to drag him into a shop they didn’t have back home, most of them being sweet shops.

The building itself was simple, red brick and half a dozen or so floors – not unlike the building he used to work at. The café on the ground floor did look nice Kento had to admit and if his companion’s ramblings were anything to go off of the tea there was wonderful and that he had it on good authority that the coffee was decent as well. Kento decided he’d check it out afterwards because he would need caffeine in his system if he was to survive the rest of the day.

Whatever technique was used to send them both here only kept you stuck as long as you had cursed energy to sustain it. Kento would probably only last a day or so but Gojo on the other hand… well that was another story. Thanks to Six Eyes the man was practically an endless pool of cursed energy and Kento didn’t know if his power would eventually override the technique, or if he’d be trapped in this world forever. When he’d mentioned this to Gojo the man had simply laughed and waved him off, unconcerned and unflappable as ever.

Kento was quiet as he followed Gojo to the elevator absently listening to Gojo’s chattering about a nut case carrot, a sadist with a diary, a tiger boy, a countryside monster, an oblivious genius, a pretty suicide maniac, and a possible brother-sister relationship. That last one caused Kento to cringe, he would not be touching that subject with a thirty-foot pole. Not today and hopefully not ever. Just no.

Blinking as the doors of the elevators opened Kento brought his full focus back to observe the office. It was standard, desks, chairs and other basic necessities. A secluded office presumably for the boss, an infirmary, a closet and what was probably a waiting or interrogation room. All in all, there wasn’t anything insane so far. There were four people in the room, a blond sat at a desk doing paperwork, a brunette laying across a couch with headphones and a book, a white-haired teen awkwardly sitting at another desk looking at a computer like it was alien technology and a short raven-haired man that had his feet propped up on the desk in front of him, head tilted back and snoring softly. There was no alter, or deer heads, or cloaks, or rings of fire, thank Kami for the small mercies.

Gojo immediately sauntered towards the brunette and blond males and plopped down on the couch beside the one being occupied, the movement catching the attention of the three-conscious people in the room. Kento followed suit and sat at the other end of the couch crossing one leg over the other, right ancle on left knee. With enthusiasm that made Kento want to bash his head against a wall Gojo gestured grandly in his direction with both arms. “This is Kento Nanami,” he spoke answering the inquisitive looks that were being sent in their direction, “he’s a friend and colleague of mine. Nanamin this is Osamu Dazai,” he appeared over the brunette’s head and pointed, “this is Doppo Kunikida,” he repeated the action with the blond almost causing the man’s pen to snap with how hard he grasped it, “and this is Atsushi Nakajima,” the teen jumped in the air in fright and landed wildly on his seat causing it to topple and send him sprawling across the floor with a yelp.

“N-nice to meet you Mr. Nanami,” Atsushi stuttered politely his cheeks flushed from embarrassment. Kento could relate, the first time Gojo had teleported near him with no warning he’d also had a rather undignified response which almost ended with a building being set on fire. Definitely not one of his best moments.

Kento hummed in acknowledgement. “You as well Atsushi,” he replied trying to calm the boy down. It didn’t seem to work since the boy squeaked and turned away busying himself with picking up his chair and some papers, he knocked down during his descent the reaction eliciting quiet laughter from Satoru and Dazai while Kunikida just looked irritated at the disruption – oh, they might get along. A good work ethic was difficult to come by.

(Correction, a good work ethic of Nanami’s standards was hard to come by)

Dazai was next to greet him a wide smile spread across pale features as he cheerfully waved. “Hey Nanamin!” The annoying nickname both Yuji and Satoru use often causing Kento’s eye to twitch and his lips to thin into an almost-but-not-quite grimace. This reaction only seemed to amuse the brunette and all Kento could think was oh fuck another Gojo.

Out of the three greetings he received Kunikida’s was by far his most preferred one. The man barely looked up from his work to nod at Kento a simple “Good morning,” leaving his lips alongside a glare that was pointed towards Gojo and Dazai who were now sitting beside each other eyes flickering between the two and something strange that sparked in brown orbs, Kento was almost certain whatever it was would be mirrored in Gojo’s own eyes if the blindfold was removed.

All that Kento knew was that he didn’t like it at all, but he didn’t have time to ponder it as Kunikida had finished with whatever documents that he had been handling and had now turned his full attention to Kento as if recognising a kindred workaholic.

𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐬 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐲 || ᴊᴊᴋ / ʙꜱᴅTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang