Part 1

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(My orchestra teacher will be called Apple, and my art teacher will be called Banana)

Apple - Here I am again, in this classroom teaching this class. The bell rings finally, and I go to my office and let the other orchestra teacher take over. He's a nice guy but not what I need. I grab my water bottle at the office, and I see my bestie bae, one of the deans. 
"Hey, Bestie!"
"Hey, Apple!"

I walk into her office and I take a sip out of my water bottle. I sit down into one of her bean bags (a/n Idk my dean didn't have bean bags but I wish she did) and take a deep breath. 
"So, Apple, anything you wanna tell me?" she says. 

I shake my head, but she looks at me like she's disappointed. I'm about to spill the tea when Banana barges in. He looks at me with a disgusted look on his face. I look right back, copying his expression. Bestie Bae signals for me to leave, and I am more than happy to. 

I decide to go back to my orchestra class, and I see the other teacher checking me out. I wink at him and take over the class.

After the school day finally ends for the students, I head over to the office again so I can finally have that chat with Bestie Bae. I look around the offices, but she must be out near the buses, so I sit down in a green bean bag in her room.

When she finally comes back, she sits down in a blue bean bag next to me and gives me a jolly rancher. (a/n My dean had jolly ranchers and that's the only reason I tolerated her.) She looks at me expectantly, and I finally spill the tea.
"So you know how the other teacher and I are kinda having a thing? Yea, no he's not the right one." 

Bestie Bae nods at me, then starts talking about Banana.

I do not know why she is bringing this up.

"So you know how Banana walked in earlier? Basically, he was asking me for dating advice, and I think he wants to be my Bestie Bae."

I look at her shocked.

"You're still my Bestie Bae Apple, don't worry."

"Anyways, I was thinking of breaking things off with the other teacher."


After the support I got from Bestie Bae, I decide to go talk to the other teacher. 

I get to the orchestra room and see him practicing his cello. I walk over to him, and sit in one of those blue plastic chairs next to him.

"Hey Apple."

"Hey Other Teacher."

"How are you Apple?"

"I need to tell you something, I-"

"I got a duck."

"This is not the time for that Other Teacher."

"OkAy Im listening."

"Okay so basically, me and Bestie Bae talked, and we decided that Other Teacher will now be ex-Other Teacher because I don't like your cello playing :("

"But APple-"

"Don't "but" me. This is over."

I leave the orchestra room, slamming the door on the way out. I head over to where Bestie Bae is standing, and give her two thumbs up and a smile. 

"I did it Bestie Bae."

Right at that moment Banana decides to leave his classroom. He walks by me and purposefully shoves me. I try to punch him back, but Bestie Bae holds me.

"Woah woah woah Apple calm down."

"Did you not see what he did Bestie Bae? That is a felony."

"Apple calm down."

Bestie Bae gives me my water bottle and I drink some water from it. It calms me down a little, and I run after Banana to apologize. He looks at me and says "Get away from me." He then pushes me and runs the other direction. 

I run back over to Bestie Bae, and she looks sadly at me.

"You know that guy is no more than a big, mean bully. Don't let him get to you."

------------------------------------------------------Chapter 1 finale-----------------------------------------------------

woah this is like 700 words. I- if you're here thanks for reading <3

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