1 - Two Weeks

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Two weeks.
Fourteen days.
336 hours.
20,160 minutes.
That is the exact time until I get to walk down the aisle to marry the love of my life.

Only two more weeks.. I cant even fathom that.

I am so unbelievably excited to spend the rest of my life with this man.

Speaking of him, I was pulled out of my thoughts as the blond sleeping on my chest stirred in his sleep.

He's always been such a pretty sleeper and I hate him for it. Well not really, but i'm jealous.

He was crammed into my neck, his right arm strewn over my stomach. We always slept close to each other. Even in the hottest nights of summer we would still be holding hands in our sleep. It's cute.. until you wake up with a clammy hand.

"Good morning, love." I whispered before running my hand up his back.

"G'mornin" He mumbled under his breath. He wasn't fully awake.

If I'm being honest I have no clue what time it is. All I know is that I woke up in suspense of our special day coming up soon. Which by the way, after almost a year of planning I am so ready for. The countdown could not move fast enough.

The cat at the foot of our bed started to cry out to be fed. She acts likes she so starved even though she is the most spoiled being in this household. But, her meowing does mean that it must be morning which means my sleep schedule isn't that bad.. It's the small victories.

Now for the difficult part, getting away from Clay. This man had a death grip to be completely honest. Even when he's half asleep, it is a battle to get out of his grasp.

I pulled my arms back into my personal space and attempted to place a foot on the floor. I felt the arm around my waist tighten and pull me back in.

"Clay, I need to get up.. Patches is whining."

He groaned putting his head back on my shoulder. "She can wait.."

Ugh this is annoying. He's so lovely in the morning and I love it but I had things to do. I quickly pulled my body away and successfully stood up.

"No, Cass.." He said rolling over onto his stomach. "Lay back down please."

"Sorry, bubs." I smiled and walked out of the room.

I walked down the stairs that landed in front of our kitchen. The house was an open floor plan which made it all seem that much bigger.

Here's the thing about Patches, she is a very picky and spoiled cat. Don't get me wrong, I love her so much but she probably eats better than I do. The fridge had a whole shelf full of her own wet food. Which, Clay would often leave me to open no matter how much I absolutely despised it.

"You are so lucky I love you.." I popped open the can and poured the disgusting mix out into Patches food bowl.

I shivered at the sound of it. I have no clue how she can even eat that stuff.

Speaking of eating, I should probably make breakfast. I guess for once I could be a nice fiancée and cook for Clay.. Sigh, being a good person takes so much work.

I got out all of the items to make an omelet and bacon, not particularly anything special but it'll work just fine.  I'm a pretty good chef if I do say so myself. I mean I'm the only one who really cooks regularly, Clay only knows how to cook very basically. I really don't mind cooking, I only hate it when Clay doesn't appreciate it which is when he's working.. Sometimes..

"Alexa play Good Life." I said, looking for some good vibes.

"Playing Good Life by Kanye West." The robotic voice sounded out.

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