The beginning

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Cera's pov

I woke up feeling a bit dizzy. I don't remember falling asleep. I open my eyes looking around the only thing i saw was...


"No no no, this can't be happening. This can be happening" , I exclaimed pulling onto my hairs. "You really thought you can run away from me", his voice echoed in the darkness making chills run down my spine, "how naive can you be", he added followed by a psychotic chuckle. There was a moment of silence, it was the silence before the storm. I can feel my whole body tremble, and as much as I hate to admit it, I were trembling in fear.

" Cera, Cera my dear, You should know by now there is no escape and i will get what I want by any mean", he said with voice laced with venom. I hate it. I hate this voice. "Now is the time", he said and i can feel something moving around me , "No, you can't do this", I yelled out. He let out another chuckle and said, " oh dear I can do anything". And the very next moment i was raised in the air, tied up with the veins and that's when i noticed they were not some sort of veins but wires and thick tubes with needles attached to them which were digging in my skin. "What actually is he trying to do?", I blunted out.

After what felt like eternity, I heard some noises coming from the opposite side as me and for the first time I saw a dim light in this place, slowly the light started to grow more and more and the whole place was full of light now. I squeezed my eyes shut due to the brightness i experienced all of a sudden. After a few moments i opened my eyes. The place I was in was some sort of laboratory and in front of me was a big cylindrical container covered with some cloth and some wires and tubes attached to it. And that was when i realized the wires are same ones that are attached to me. My heartbeat picked up and I started breathing heavily. "Aww, is the little Cera scared of what's gonna happen with her?", he said in a mocking tone. And for the first time the voice was so close I looked around and saw a cloaked figure walking from behind the container. "Are you confused? Why are you here and what this all is about?", He added. I stayed quite and if stares could kill he would be dead by now.

"Well as you're gonna help me so much let me tell you what's your use in all this.", He said moving a bit closer to me. "You know the idaten bikes hold some great powers which can only be used by the owner of the bike. If someone else rides the bike they won't work. But if you defeat the owner of the bike and take their emblem the powers become yours. Isn't it amazing. How a mere emblem can do so much" , he said in an amused tone, " that is the same case with Imperial X, only the owner can use it's power and that's me. Yeah, Me", he added. "So I own the most powerful bike in the world." He added in the same amused tone, " but only fools think that imperial X is the most powerful bike", he said in monotone, the amusement from his voice disappeared and it was again laced with venom, " Imperial X was the copy of a bike which hold the real powers. Powers no one can imagine, it's the real bike of God themselves and only worthy people can control it. It was hidden from the world so no one knows about it. No one accept me. So i tried to find that bike and after years of research i found it, and to my amusement it was really close to me but i never found out because i never thought a naive person would own that bike. It's called", I cut him mid sentance "Imperial Galaxy", I blunted out to which he laughed in response, " exactly, Imperial Galaxy, the bike of the god, the most powerful bike in the world and it was owned by you", he said gritting his teeth at the end, "and that's why you challenged me that day and tricked me to believe that you will leave us alone if I won", i said clenching my fists in anger, " exactly, Cera, seems like you're not as stupid as I thought", he said with a chuckle, " that was reason i challenged you, I thought I'd defeat you with easy but you were better than I thought or maybe it was just the bike that made you win. I was really hurt when you declined my offer to join me and rule both the dimensions, I thought i won't be able to conquer the power of the great imperial galaxy but i wasn't giving up so easily. I researched about it and found out something", he said moving towards the container again, " and this is what will help me conquer the bike and it's power and I will be unstoppable", he said pulling the cloth away revealing a glass container, my eyes widen in shock to what was in it, " I like that expression on your face. It suits you", he said moving to the control panel that was at the side of the container, "but there's one problem, you won't be alive to see me destroy everything", he said with a sinster smile. And the next thing I know I were screaming out in immense pain.

"Are you in pain, Cera. But this is just the beginning. Don't worry I'll take it slow after all i love to see you in pain" , he said and then everything turned black.



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The Long Lost ( A Idaten Jump Fanfic ) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now