I have an Idea

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Carina POV

Shortly after maya had shown up to the hospital and said her apology I was paged to a patient. I had to put the woman I love out of my mind as I focused on work. It was a few hours later when I made my way back to my office and checked my phone. The screen lit up with a text from Maya asking if I would come over for dinner tonight. I sighed and fell back into my chair. I did want to see her but a part of me felt I needed more time. I was still deciding my answer when there was a knock on my door. I look up to see Teddy standing there. She looks a bit nervous like she needs to, but doesn't want to tell me something.

"Come in," I told the other doctor.

"Hi, I was just seeing if you 're ok after everything that happened. I know what it's like to go into surgery after a personal thing" her voice began to fade off.

"I am good, Maya asked me to dinner at hers tonight"

"And you are going"

"I want too but it seems... too soon"

Teddy nods "but I mean given what happened she may just be needing a friend outside of the fire department"

I look at the other woman confused as to what she's talking about.

"She didn't tell you" she tries to back away "I'm sorry I thought she would have. I mean with the video and all"

I shake my head "we haven't talked" "what video" I ask

She's quite now not wanting to say more.

"Please if it's about maya I want to know"

Teddy reluctantly unlocks her phone and hands it to me and it's queued up to a video of what looks like a fire scene.

"It's from that hospital fire " she tells me.

Someone from the crowd was filming the fire but it quickly turns to a yelling match between Maya and a man. Her dad I quickly realized. I gasp as I watch them yell and she turns to leave and I watch as he pulls her hair. She stands her ground. And the teams around her jump in but she waves them off. I'm so proud of her and so angry at the same time "oh bambina" I whisper to myself as the video ends and I hand teddy back her phone.

"I heard some of the nurses talking about it and when I saw you with Maya today I wanted to, check in"

"Thank you," I tell her.

"I take it this video has become contagious" I ask. The blonde tilts her head and I laugh "not the right phrase"

"Oh viral, you meant the video went viral" she laughs.

"Yes sorry American sayings get lost on me sometimes"

They get lost on me to sometimes" she says

She was about to say something else when her pager went off "sorry I have to take this" she says as she turns to leave I wave to her as I turn back to my own phone now wanting nothing more then to take my sweet girl in my arms "sounds good I should be there by seven" I text maya

We definitely need to talk about things but I'm slowly forming a plan in my head of how she can keep her promise of making it up to me. I just hope she's ok with it. I force myself to focus back on work to get these charts done so that I can leave on time for my date.

I finished for the day and decided to head home first to shower and change. I pick out a nice pair of jeans and a sweater. Nothing too fancy but still nice. I arrive at Maya's at exactly seven and knock on the door. I am greeted with her shy smile and her looking absolutely breathtaking in leggings and a nice tank top. She doesn't say anything but gestures for me to enter and closes the door. I walk to the kitchen and it smells amazing.

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