Chapter 1

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Disclaimer I don't own Fablehaven or any of the characters they all belong to Brandon Mull
Dedicated to my Fablehaven friends Jessie, London and Hayley!
This happens at the end of Master of the Phantom Isle (mostly cannon with a few changes)
Prompt: your boyfriend is a UNICORN?!

As Kendra strolled along the beach with Bracken, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She had gotten Bracken out of prison (again), was well on her way to helping Seth restore his memories and was able to take a short break with her friends and family.
"Hey," Bracken said, interrupting her thoughts. "Are you ok? You've been staring off into space for the past few minutes."
"Oh" Kendra said, flushing slightly, "Sorry I was just... lost in thought I guess." The unicorn she had come to admire (and like) grinned slightly at her. "I get it," he said. "There's been a lot to think about lately."
"Yeah," Kendra groaned. "Don't remind me."
"What were you thinking about" the unicorn inquired? "Oh you know, just that I'm glad I can take a break before heading off to find Seth" Kendra told him. "Ah." He said. "I'm here to help in any way that I can." Bracken told her.
Before Kendra could respond her cousin, Tess, ran up to them and flung herself into Kendras arms for a hug.
"Kendra! You're ok! I'm glad you're back! Are you ok? Who's that? Did you find Seth? ARE YOU OK?!" The 10 year olds questions came hurling at her cousin.
Staggering backwards with the force of the hug and the questions Kendra was slightly taken aback.
"Woah Tess just breathe!" The fairykind girl smiled. "To answer your questions Tess, I am ok - just tired, no I did not find Seth but I got us some clues as to where he could be, and this is Bracken." Kendra said with a slight blush of her cheeks when she said his name. "He's the one I was rescuing Tess, remember? I told you he was a unicorn."
Tess' eyes went comically wide.
"Your boyfriend is a UNICORN?!" The ten year old shrieked.
At this point both Bracken and Kendra were furiously blushing.
"He's - not"
"We're not-"
As they fumbled through their words, extremely embarrassed, Kendra finally said in a strangled voice: "Ah no, Bracken is just a friend Tess."
"A very good friend," Kendra thought to herself.
"Oh ok" the girl said. "It's just from the way everyone was talking about you guys I just assumed you were dating" Tess chirped, skipping away unaware she was leaving two very dumb stuck people in her wake.
Embarrassed, Kendra turned to the flushed unicorn beside her. "I guess we should talk about that huh" she said.
Giving an embarrassed laugh, Bracken helped her up from the sand. "I guess we should. Here, there's a place around the corner. I saw that sound give us a bit of privacy."
Not daring to look at him Kendra kept her eyes on the pathway where they eventually came to a halt. Ever the gentleman, Bracken helped Kendra up onto the rock, then pulled himself up beside her.
Unaware of how to start this conversation Kendra said "So..."
"Kendra, I want you to know that I don't just think of you as a friend," Bracken started. "For one, I think you're beautiful and maybe one day I would be lucky enough to call you my girlfriend. But that day is not today and I don't want to pressure you into anything you're not ready for. You're still young and you have a lot of weight on your shoulders." Bracken stopped, brushing a stray piece of hair out of Kendras face. "For now I'm happy being here, like this with you. When the day comes that we are" he paused "in a calmer place when there's less chaos going on, and if, and only if you are ready then, then I will be happy to call you my girlfriend."
Kendra smiled internally. How lucky could she be to find the most perfect guy who was ready and willing to wait as long as it took for her to be ready.
"Thanks Bracken," she said with a smile. "I really like you and I am looking forward to the day when we can revisit this conversation. In the meantime let's hope you can stay out of prison" she teased,
Laughing at her joke, Bracken moved closer to her, putting an arm around her shoulder and proceeded to watch the sun set below the horizon with her.

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