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{Hi!! I'm Y/n Tsukino! I'm 14 years old and currently go to Juban Middle School with my best friend, Denki Kaminari. Although I'm smart, I'm a bit of a klutz and I can be a bit of a crybaby but...I am Lunar Lady and in the name of the moon...justice will be mine!}

[Third POV]

"Wake up Y/n, you're going to be late!!"

"Wha..?? I'm going to be...late!? Wahh!!" you screamed as you rushed to get out of bed

"Mom!! Why didn't you wake me up earlier!?" you screamed as you ran to put your shoes on at the door

"I tried to but you told me, 'five more minutes' " she said as she sighed

"And you believed me?!" you said running to get toast from the toaster

" *sigh* Anyways, bye sweetie. I love you!"

"Bye mom, love you too" you said as you gave her a kiss on the forehead before rushing out the door with toast in your mouth

{Time Skip}

You made it into your classroom just in time and luckily for you your teacher, Mrs. Haruna, was in the bathroom. Your best friend, Denki Kaminari or Denki as you called him; saved you a seat.

"Hey, Tsuki! Over here!" he said as he waved you over


You sat down just in time because your teacher had just entered the classroom.

"Hello class! Today, we're going to fill out our career choices...but I assume most of you want to be heroes!" she exclaimed

That brought the class into an uproar of yelling and activating quirks

"Now, now, calm down everyone. I'm still making you fill out the forms! And I have your test scores!"

This made the whole class do a full 180

'I'm going to get a bad grade....I usually study but...I was..too tired this time...'  you thought as a depressed aura surrounded you

Mrs. Haruna put your test face down on your desk and handed you a career form

"Thanks..." you managed to mutter

You lifted up your paper to see...a 65?! Your mom was probably gonna ground you...

"Hey! Don't be such a Debbie-downer, you probably did better than me anyways" Denki said, attempting to cheer you up

" *sigh* Yeah, thanks..."

Mrs. Haruna finished passing out the papers before returning to the front of the classroom and remembering something

"Hey...don't you wanna try out for UA, Kaminari and Tsukino??" she said putting a finger to her lip

"Yeah" you both said

The class turned around and started to talk about how they thought you'd both be able to pass with such powerful quirks and how you shouldn't put their school name down.

'what a nice class'  you thought while doing dramatic anime tears

Denki looked at you and sweat dropped

{Time Skip}

You were walking home on a busy road while looking at your test result

"Hah...I still can't get over it, my mom will kill me. I usually get a 85 or a 95 but to drop down almost 25 points..."

You crumpled up your paper and threw it behind you

"ow" you heard

You turned around to see a green, curly haired boy holding a wet notebook and a now un-crumpled up piece of paper

"Hey! That's mine!" you exclaimed before snatching it

"Sorry" he muttered before walking the other way

"*sigh* Today isn't my day..."

Once you got home the guilt of being rude to that poor kid and your test score ate you up. But you simply put the paper inside your bag and went into the house

"Hi mom!" you greeted

"Hello dear, where is it??" she questioned

"Where's what?" you said getting nervous

"The test result" she dead panned

"..." you completely paled and shakily handed her the paper


You winced and looked at her nervously

"*sigh* You're off the hook this time, go upstairs I guess" she said, shooing you

"Hm" you nodded and walked upstairs

' least I'm not grounded?'

Your family cat, Squishy, walked into your room and hopped onto your bed

"Hey life easier as a cat? Who am I's not as if you can understand me and anyways, my life isn't that hard as it is."

Squishy went under your arm as you pet him

"...good..night" you said as you drifted off to sleep with Squishy under your arm

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