"You're very grumpy tonight"

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As on cue Harry appeared in the kitchen doorway only wearing his sweats low on his hips.

"Hey, Harry" Liam greeted when Harry made his way towards the kettle, nodding at Liam Harry noticed Louis' slightly panicked expression.

"Hey, baby what's wrong?"

Louis snapped his head up at Harry like he just noticed him and let out a quiet laugh.

"Liam wanted to tell you something about Omegas disappearing in his town"

"Yeah, I was just warning Louis to be careful late at night and alone on the streets" Liam explains while grabbing another cookie from the cookie jar.

Harry frowned at Liam "Well don't worry too much Liam, I can take care of my Omega just fine"

"Babe, I think Liam is just trying to help" Louis cut Harry off "Why don't you go shower and get dressed, we have a date tonight remember?" Louis smiled and stood up to bring his and Liam's now empty cups to the sink.

"I would never forget that Louis, I love you" Harry pulled Louis in a hug, turning Louis' back on Liam.

Louis sighed, his face smashed against Harry's chest and mumbled "Love you" making Harry grin. Louis was just about to pull back when the Alpha placed his hand on Louis's bum for Liam to see and smirked when Louis squealed, the Omega rolled his eyes and gave Harry a look as to say stop it.

"This was nice Louis, we need to do this more often" Liam stood up and kissed Louis in the cheek after a quick hug "Harry" the Alpha nodded at Liam and got his arms around Louis again.

"I'll let myself out" Chuckling Liam made his way out of the apartment.

"Babe, Liam is a Beta, he would never take me away from you and he is straight for god sake so stop being a twat." With that Louis walked away from Harry and made his way to their bedroom to decide what he should wear tonight.


For their date night Harry took Louis to the movies and wouldn't say which movie so when the lights turned off and the movie was about some ghost wanting revenge and going after a group of Omega's Louis hit Harry on the chest as hard as he could which didn't do a lot but still.

Harry knew damn well that Louis didn't like movies with fucking jump scares every 2 minutes
and creepy ghost bitches who need plastic surgery because their faces look like melted cheese.

huffing angrily Louis crosses his arms and ignores Harrys quiet chuckle.
That is before miss fuckface decided to make her present known by screeching, making Louis' whole body jump up and a whimper escaped his mouth.

"Oh baby, it's not real" Harry pulled Louis to his side and wrapped his arms around him, Louis didn't really care right now because you could hear Omegas screaming and he just needed comfort.

With his eyes closed Louis puts his face on Harry's shoulder and pressed his lips against Harry's neck.

"You are so not getting laid tonight"

The Alpha snorted and held Louis closer, he just really wanted to see this movie (and maybe he liked the idea of Louis clinging to him for 120 minutes)

"Shut up" Louis whined when another scream was heard followed by a choked off sound.


After the horrible movie Louis wanted to get some pizza so they drove to a pizza place that looked cute and got a table, when their waiter came to get their order Louis got the pizza pepperoni and a strawberry milkshake and Harry got the same only with a coke instead of a milkshake.

"You really didn't like the movie huh?" Harry asked like he didn't know the answer already.
"No, I really didn't" Louis glared at Harry and grabbed his phone out of his pocket when he felt it buzz.

His mother had texted him, asking if he was okay and what he was doing. He responded immediately, he's always been close with her and to be honest Louis only mated with Harry years ago because he trusted his mom to find him a good and sweet Alpha, he is so glad she knew Anne and introduced Harry to him before his first heat.
"Who's that?" Harry asked nodding towards his phone.
"None of your business" Louis sighted, putting his phone back in his pocket.
"You're very grumpy tonight" The Alpha noted making Louis roll his eyes but before he could make a mean comment the waiter was back with their food.

"Your pizza, and drinks, a coke for you and a strawberry milkshake for you" The waiter placed the food on the table and made his way back to the kitchen.

Louis grabbed his milkshake and took a sip watching the people around him, Harry watched Louis and sighed. He took Louis' hand in his and gently rubbed the Omega's hand with his thumb.

Louis turned his gaze to Harry.

"I love you" The Alpha always made sure to tell Louis that when he acted a little grumpy. it helps (and sometimes he needs a strawberry or two to make sure)

"I know, babes" Louis rolled his eyes but smiled back at Harry.

They ate quietly and got back home just in time to cuddle on the couch and watch friends together.


One town over there was an Alpha not quite as happy as the mated couple and stared angrily at his bedroom wall full of pictures and neatly written facts and datum's.

He grabbed his hair with both hands and pulled as hard as he could, 'think' 'think' 'think' he's so angry with himself right now. He had a plan, a solid plan but no, he had to go and screw it all up, years of planning going to waste as he got closer to the tiny Omega and when he was close enough to be satisfied for at least a month he screwed it all up.

He just lost it when he saw that fucking cocky bastard stand beside his Omega and decided that his Omega should only have eyes for him and not for that pathetic excuse of an Alpha next to him.

so he walked up to his Louis and gave him a compliment to remember, however he didn't expected there to be a reopened bondmark on his Omega's neck the next day.

he could pull his hair out with angry towards himself but he would literally kill the Alpha who touched his Omega if he could.

Now however he needed a new fucking plan, he needed to think.

And Up Until Now I Had Sworn To Myself That I'm Content With Loneliness.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora