Chapter 4

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[September 17th] Bokuto driver to Akaashis house to pick him up for the movies. He already knew it by heart from how many sleepovers that they have had.

"Hop in!" Bokuto shouted and Akaashi jumped in

Akaashi was surprised by the song choice he had forgot that Bokuto was absolutely a huge sap for slow moving songs

"Like it???" Bokuto asked in such a curious manner

It was a song hed heard before. Talking to the moon

"Yes" Akaashi chuckled

"What's so funny?!?" Bokuto grinned in a sarcastic offended tone

"This song really? It's so cliched and-"

"It is not your just blind to romance!"

"Your so dramatic" Akaashi mummered

"Am not!" Bokuto gasped!

Akaashi was blushing and surprisingly so was Bokuto

Akaashi I-

"Hey babe"

It was kenma and Kuroo

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