Chapter 5

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Bokuto had got the tickets and they went in. Only Bokuto knew the movie and said he picked it cause it spoke to him.

Bokuto winked at Akaashi and pushed him to talk to kenma.He thought that was best, he just wanted him to be happy...with Kenma.

Akaashi had know this movie it seemed so familiar then he knew.

"Cloud Atlas" He couldn't keep his tears in he rushed out of the theater in envy and jealousy but he also felt happy.Bokuto wasn't skinny,he was full of life and found someone who made him happy. Even if it wasn't him.

Bokuto was worried and rushed to Akaashi and met him sobbing in the bathroom

"Akaashi!" Bokuto grabbed him as he thought it was the only thing he could do to help him

"I'm sorry... bokuto"

"Stop! You can't cry you are beautiful"

It had hit Bokuto that he wanted to see Akaashi happy but not with Kenma but with him

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