- Chapter 17 -

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today, it was Thursday. I had an English class but the teacher was absent ( YAY ! ) so, Emma , Wendy , Faye & Alyssa & other girls from my class & I stayed together in a classroom pretending to revise for our exam while the truth is that we were just talking about different stuff. we didn't realize our voices were loud until a teacher kicked us out of the room saying we're bothering him.

anyways, we went downstairs and just kept having fun. suddenly, Aaron went out of his class. I was pretending not to see him but the girls told him to come join us. he said 'Hi' to us and then said he had to go upstairs. he was about to go there but he looked behind again telling me to come so we can talk. I went to him even though I was mad at him. we were facing each other and he started talking.. i actually forgot what he said since I was too busy looking into his lovely hazel eyes. then, he started to talk about his sickness. I couldn't hear it. I couldn't let him finish his talking. I knew I'd say nothing making the situation worse. that's why, I cut his off with saying two words I was lying about: " I know "

we were now so close. the weather was really cold but I could feel warm because of his breath. we were both staring at each other deeply. there was a silence but it wasn't awkward. it was really comfortable. I was feeling safe and calm around him...

suddenly, he said he had to go. he kissed my cheeks quickly saying "take care"  then just went away. I looked at him one last time then went to talk to my friends again. yeah, I was happy but at the same time I was sad because the truth is that I was planning on breaking up with him today...

minutes later, I was in a room with the girls. but Aaron joined us. he went to the last two tables at class telling me to sit next to him and I did. he was staring at me but I was just looking at the others. suddenly, he broke the silence saying "aren't you scared?"
"scared of what?" I answered.
"if I'll die... what would you do?" he said.
"I'd come to your funeral, of course" I said jokingly.

I really was kidding but at the same time, I was trying to make him mad. because as i said, I had to break up with him sooner or later.

he looked upset and said "I can see how much you love me"

I was feeling guilty but I didn't care. later, he was talking to me but I was answering him rudely. then, he stood up and said before going out: "thanks for being rude to me whenever I talk to you"

then, he left. I was now feeling bad for him. I looked at Alyssa who was giving me a questioning look. she was Aaron's friend and she knows lots of things about him. she asked me what happened and I told her that I'll break up with him soon and when she asked about the reason, I simply answered with "I just don't love him..." she nodded in an understanding way and started talking about Aaron:
"I know Aaron for three years now and I remember that his first love at this school was a girl. her name's Melissa. he really loved her but after she got in troubles with her family and changed her school, he changed to worse. he became a bad boy and-"

she was cut off by the other girls telling her she was right. and of course, I believe her. plus, I knew that Aaron's first love was Melissa because he told me about it before when we were playing truth or dare but he didn't tell me about these details.

was she really the reason to make him like that?

after that day, i decided not to break him or lie to him anymore. I took a decision that I thought it's gonna be the right one. I decided to break up with him.

when I went back home at 6 pm, I ate dinner then went to my bedroom. after thinking, I sent to Aaron a really long text. I told him about my real feelings towards him and that I feel like lying to him and to my self too. I told him I had my reasons to break up with him and...

after that, he didn't answer me and I went to school on Friday. we didn't talk at all. I only saw him once staring at me but I looked away.

on Saturday, Aaron told Emma that he doesn't know the reason I break up with him and that he's really mad because I lied to him. he even said I'll regret that which made me want to slap him. I was so sad that I couldn't talk to him.

he didn't love me.

he was just like anyone else..

- Next Week -

last week, after Aaron said I'll regret lying to him, I talked to him. he said he was sorry and that he didn't mean it. he even said he loves me and he wants us to get back together.

however, I forgave him even though I knew I'll never forget... and of course, I didn't want to get back to him. at least, not now...


we didn't talk on Monday at all since we fought but on Tuesday he came. he took my hand in his. his hand was so warm. he got closer to me. I could feel his breath. he said I love u 2 times I guess. i just answered with thanks. and didn't even look...

I knew he's dating a new girl...


This chapter is really really late, im sorry. but lots of things happened and i totally forgot about this story. it had been saved as draft the whole time but i forgot to publish it..

Aaron and i's story ended after our break up. i'll explain everything next chapter.

im sorry again.


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