Let me sleep

5 0 1

Lights off

Lights on

Lights off

Lights on

Lights off

Lights on

"Okay let's stop there."

I stopped pressing the light switch to prevent a power outage. I don't want to incite my mom's anger this late of night.

Here I am, waiting for me to fall asleep, lying on the bed out of boredom. I don't really know what to do in this situation.

Should I read a novel? I already read many novels so far. The electronic ones are mostly done, some are still waiting for updates.

Comics? The same sadly.

Watching Youtube? Not feeling like it.

How about movies or animes?


Damnit, I just want to sleep.

People said something boring will make them fall asleep. Then let's do my homework...... but i already done all of them.

I tried working on my homework thinking it could make me sleep. Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn't. It's funny how having a trouble at sleeping makes me a diligent student. I don't know if I should feel grateful or not.

Either way I just want to sleep. It's 1:56 AM, almost to 2 AM. I'm bored as hell and my eyes hurt. It feels so bad that I want to take off my eyes. I feel like wanting to commit arson out of nowhere.

But then again, I'm too tired to do anything. All I've been doing is just trying to sleep. Closing my eyes for several minutes which turns into a wasted effort, or just staring at my bedroom's ceiling waiting a miracle to happen like I just suddenly fell asleep out of nowhere.

It's so hard for me to just sleep, my eyes are already hurting that I should've feel sleepy. And yet, there isn't a single yawn coming from my damn mouth.

Also, I feel like a refreshed can of soda, not a single drain came out from it. But deep down, I know that my body is not at the peak condition and need rest.

Well I could've just suck it up and persevere through the pain. But I keep hearing that staying awake late at night is not good for your health. Your body needs rest or else you develop some weird lethal disease, that's what i heard of.

Is this what people who had Insomnia going through?

Well, I don't know since I haven't got a professional to diagnose me with Insomnia. So I don't really want to go to a haste conclusion that will be labeled offensive to everyone these days and get cancelled on life or something.

Let's just say my problems differ from typical Insomnia and Sleep-deprived problems.

As I've been lying for hours on my bed thinking about several things regarding my 'can't sleep' problems,

I began to wonder the times of when I can sleep peacefully, without any trouble.

How did I do that?

I seriously miss those times, where I don't need to beg everytime when I am about to sleep.

It's funny now that I am questioning something that is fundamentally natural or rather automatically knows as you born into a human or any living beings like a complete weirdo.....

......or maybe except plants and other living beings that don't sleep.

Honestly I don't know, my biology is not that good.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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