Chapter 15: Back

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  It is Thursday night and between Teddy, school and worrying about where the boys are I haven't gotten much sleep. Every night I wake up calling out Harry's name. Then Teddy wakes up and I have to feed, burp, and rock him to sleep, and by that time I am up so I just lay in the bed and go through Harry's photo book that he left me. As I close the book I begin to fall into a dreamless sleep.
   I wake up on Friday to the beautiful sun finding a path through the curtains. I look into the crib beside the bed and see no Teddy. I start to panic as I scan the room. I run into the bathroom and he is still not there. I start yelling his name in the common room. After a minute of not hearing his voice I start to sob on the couch. I hear the port hole open and many people come in but I don't look. I just keep crying into the couch.
     "Hermione are you okay?" Draco asked. He was kneeling in front of me.
     "I lost Teddy. He wasn't there when I woke up. I'm a horrible person, Draco. I don't have Harry or Teddy. What am I going to do?" I say in a rush. He smirks and starts to laugh at me. I reach for my wand but Neville holds me back." Let me hex him. He shouldn't laugh at me because I lost a child. Neville let me go."
   He lets go of me but took my wand out of my back pocket. So without even thinking I jump on Draco and raise my fist.
     "Hermione, what on earth are you doing? I have Teddy right here," Lavender said. In her arms was my sleeping child. I got off of Draco, helped him up, went over to Lavender and took him from her.
  "Well let me get dressed and we can go down to breakfast," I say.
   "Hermione its the end of the day. You've been asleep all day," Ginny said. I looked around at everyone and they all nodded.
   "So I missed an entire day of classes and it was because I was sleeping. And none of you tried waking me up."
   "Hermione we have all seen you lately and we decided that you could use the sleep. You've had so much stress on yourself that you don't even know it. You need your sleep,"Draco said.
        "What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine." Ginny  took me over to the mirror and I saw what they were talking about.
        "I'll take care of Teddy at night, that way you won't wake him up every time you yell for Harry at night," Lavender said.
    "No you need the sleep much more than me considering your-condition," I told her. Everyone was looking at us with confusion written all over their faces.
       "Okay, to get it off my back, I'm just going to tell everyone here. I don't want rumors going around and then letting it slip when I've reached my anger climax. The people in this room are some of my closest friends, and I hope that even after saying this that they are still my friend. I'm pregnant," Lavender said. Everyone was looking at her in disbelief except for me. Ginny was the first to move other than me rocking Teddy.
     "Is it- is it his?" She asked Lavender. Lavender nodded and embraced Ginny in a hug. Soon enough, everyone in the room was congratulating Lavender, giving her hugs and promising to keep her secret. I gave Teddy to Ginny and walked into my room. I got dressed in one of my old shirts and jeans. I walked out and we all went down to dinner. After I finished eating I went up to Professor McGonagal and let her know why I didn't attend any of my classes today. We went back up to the tower and chatted for a bit. Draco's girlfriend, Anlia, came up with us and so did Dean. Everyone seemed to be paired up this year. Everyone was still talking and I was getting tired so I decided to say my good nights and head off to bed. I changed into Harry's gryffindor quidditch shirt and some shorts. I got into bed and layef there wondering when he would come back. Before I knew it I was asleep.
   The next morning I woke up to a pair of green emeralds.
   "Good morning beautiful."

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