Chapter 8: The Christmas Guests

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Its been a week since my parents came and its the week before Christmas. Mrs.Weasley sent me a letter saying that they would be arriving three days before Christmas. Harry had become very distance lately. It worried me but at the same time I've been focused on getting the rest of the house prepared for Christmas day. Mum and Dad have helped out a lot around the house. Dad has been helping with painting rooms and moving furniture. Mum has been taking care of Teddy and doing the groceries. She has come to the point that she is with him at least twelve hours a day. I've been with Dad and Harry just doing my finishing touches. Tomorrow we should be finished with the guest bedrooms, living room, piano room and staircase. I left the family tree room alone because that's the last place I want to do with Harry alone. Harry is still not done with the dining room which frustrates me because we have guest coming in two days and Christmas is only five days away. Harry and my Dad have been talking a lot in low whispers. Mom thinks that they are trying of a way to make fun of me. I'm used to it. My father has always had a sarcastic side. Harry on the other hand has always been the one to prank me and Ron. So their minds put together was not a good thing. I was making diner when I heard the doorbell rang.

"I've got it sweetie,"just keep cooking. She left Teddy so I went over and started playing with him. Then I hear a familiar high pitched voice. I got up and walked into the hallway to greet our guests.

"Hello Mrs.Weasley. You're early. We weren't expecting you until tomorrow,"I said politely.

"No Darling today is the twenty-second. But its still good to see you to,"she replied. I said hello to every one then came Ginny with Dean and Ron with Lavender.

"Hello Ronald, Lavender. What are you doing here? I was just expecting the Weasley," I said with a smile on my face.

"Well Lavender is my girlfriend and I wanted to spend this Christmas with her," Ron replied. He gave a small smile but looked at his feet. I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"And Dean is my boyfriend so I also wanted to spend the holidays with him,"Ginny added. I nodded and gestured towards the living room. I went to the bottom of the stairs and looked up.

"HARRY! DAD! OUR GUESTS ARE HERE!" Harry's head popped up and he apparted down next to me while we waited for my dad at the bottom. Harry entwined our fingers and we walked into the living room. My mom had gone into the kitchen to finish cutting the meat. So I led Harry to Teddy and picked him up while Harry snaked his hand around my waist. Ron just stared at us and looked down. Ginny looked, then started snogging Dean in a corner of the room. Mr.Weasley looked at his daughter and started talking to Fred and Percy. Mrs.Weasley was talking to Bill, Fleur, and Charlie. Mom had come into the living room and started talking with dad. I looked at Harry and we both knew that this wouldn't work out if all of them were staying over. I introduced my mom to Fleur, Ginny, and Mrs,Weasley. Harry introduced my dad to all the boys. Then they broke off and it was Bill, Mr.Weasley, Dad and Harry talking in low voices. I noticed Ron and Lavender weren't in the room but I didn't make a fuss about it. Fred walked over and pulled me from the group.

"Who is this little mate here?"he asked pointing to a sleeping Teddy on my shoulder.

"This is Teddy Lupin. Remus's son. Harry is the godfather, so him and I are taking care of him, because his grandmother passed away last month,"I told him.

"Well I know what I'm going to get him. Has he started talking yet?"

"No I don't know." I told him he walked off to the boys and I went up stairs to put Teddy in his crib. Harry and I had the last room on the top floor and Teddy's nursery was the next room over. I walk into my room and lay Teddy down in his crib and pull it up against the bed. Our room was red and gold for Gryffindor. I rock the crib while I lay on the bed."I wish that this could last forever."

"It could. All we have to do is get bitten by a vampire. I could go call one now if you'ld like,"Harry said in the door way. I jumped startled.

"Why aren't you downstairs?"

"The same reason you aren't." He walked to the bed and layed down. He put his left arm around my waist and his other in the crib. I turned over so I was on my back. He stopped rocking the crib and propped his head on his right hand.

"Why are we not enjoying the company of our guests? Its the Christmas holidays we should be happy."

"Then why don't we go out tonight. Just the two of us. Your parents could get to know the Weasleys and your mum and Mrs.Weasley could take care of Teddy."

"I don't know Harry. I me--" I didn't get to finish because he kissed me and I just couldn't resist. I knew he wanted to go out so this was his way of distracting me. When we finally broke he had a smirk that I returned back to him. "Ok fine, lets just take showers put something nice on and let my mum know."

"Ok I'll jump in the shower first. You can go tell your mom and leave Teddy in his crib." He pecked my forehead before heading to his closet and picking out something. I walked to the door and apparted down to the hallway. I walked into the living room and told mom about Harry and I going out. She told me that was fine and that Mrs. Weasley was already cooking for everyone and that she will tell her. I went up stairs and Harry was already out of the shower he was rocking Teddy in his underwear. I walked to my closet and picked out a black dress with a gold pendent on the waist band. Then I picked out black heels. I went in the shower and took about ten minutes. When I came out my hair was dry and the dress was perfect. Harry was in a suit and tie holding Teddy. I grabbed my purse handed it to Harry and took Teddy. Harry put his arm around my waist and we walked downstairs. We walked into the living room, gave Teddy to mom, and said our goodbyes. We walked out the front door and were on our way.

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