Chapter 11

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By: Krazy_Katrina

SpottedPaw's POV

            SpottedPaw was lapping up water from the river, when GoldPaw ran up to her with a flower in her jaws. GoldPaw had a determined face and was ready to fight at any moment, but she wouldn't fight SpottedPaw, right? GoldPaw dropped the flower, which was a rose also SpottedPaw's favorite flower, at SpottedPaw's paws. GoldPaw sat down and stared at SpottedPaw waiting for her to say something.

           SpottedPaw sniffed the flower's lovely aroma and simply barked, "Well GoldPaw how did you know I liked roses?"

           GoldPaw unsheathed her claws into the soil beneath them. "I didn't know. Anyway, I came for another reason. Do you know who gave this to you?" She didn't let SpottedPaw answer, but just to think. "Well ShadowClaw gave it to you, that's who! Do you have a relationship with him?! He doesn't even like PuppyPets in the first place!" GoldPaw looked so desperate and tired. SpottedPaw nudged her and put her muzzle on her friends'.

           SpottedPaw answered to the unanswered questions, after she comforted her friend. "I don't know why ShadowClaw would give me this rose, but if it had to do with apologizing then it wouldn't be that he liked me." She hesitated. "GoldPaw I-I like ShadowClaw. He's been nice to me ever since I stood up for him when I told WhiteStar not to blame him, and he makes me laugh too. I don't know it's all very confusing." She looked down amd sighed. GoldPaw nudged her and smiled. They got up from where they were sitting and went back to the camp to look for ShadowClaw, to see why he did put that rose on SpottedPaw's bed.

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