But I Love You

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"Holy shit, dude, you look like you ran a marathon," Jotaro said, examining the red haired boy.

"Y-Yeah, no biggie," Kakyoin said, trying to smile, which the attemp just ended in a shy smile. Jotaro chuckled a bit at the sight. It was funny to see someone so outgoing as Kakyoin. As soon as the sweet sound of laughing hit him, he blushed, it was slight, but it was there. 

'I made him laugh! Well it wasn't really a laugh...but it was close enough!' Kakyoin thought. His heart was exploding inside his chest.

"S-Should we go in now?" Kakyoin said nervously.

"Ah, I almost forgot," Jotaro said as he opened the door for Kakyoin. He followed as the smaller of the two went inside. Kakyoin immediately set his eyes on the Pac-Man game to the left of some of the other ones. It seemed to be almost memorized. Kakyoin smiled winsomely at it, practically darting for it, putting a coin in. Little did the naive Jotaro know, the walking cherry just so happened to be a boss at Pac-Man. Kakyoin started the game, almost instantly knowing exactly where to go to avoid all the ghosts. Jotaro followed him, walking slowly behind, then stopping to watch the boy; who was ever so excited about his game. He stared as Kakyoin was laser focused on this pac man game. "You're shitting me?!" Jotaro said, taken aback, "you're awesome at this!".

"R-really?" Kakyoin said. He was so flustered that he stopped focusing on the game. His heart raced. He eventually lost. After all, his thoughts were on Jotaro instead of the game. Jotaro chuckled.

"Ok ok I can't beat you at PAC Man but I can beat you at...." He walked over to a game, "this,". He pointed to Space Invaders,". 

Kakyoin smirked. "You sure about that?" He said playfully.

"You don't know what's gonna hit you, bud," he said triumphantly, knowing that he would win. This was one of his favorite games to play with Joseph. He already knew he was going to win, but mid way into the game, he started doubting himself, seeing as how good Kakyoin was, but he kept going in end ended up with a score of about 10,000. (I don't know scores for that game I'm sorry T-T) Kakyoin looked up at him with quite a frustrated look.

"Okay, my turn," he said, he couldn't lose to Jotaro. He was too good at games for him to lose to the hottest guy in school, but then again would he really mind that? Jotaro watched him closely, trying to see where he would mess up. His final score ended up being 8,200. Kakyoin was dead silent. Jotaro looked triumphant. Kakyoin was serious about games, and he just lost to the love of his life.

"Hey, I'll buy you ice cream, you look a bit defeated there," he said, smiling as wide as he ever had, his dimples were showing. Kakyoin's jaw dropped.

"YOU HAVE DIMPLES?!" he screamed. Jotaro took a second to realize, and quickly went back to mid-frown. He was bright red, he hated his smile. "Oh, I'm sorry," he said softly.

"It's fine, but you're buying me ice cream now," he pouted.

"M-my treat!" He said, kind of mad at himself for ruining their time together. They walked a little far down to an ice cream place, and Kakyoin got 2 vanilla cones. One with a cherry and the other with a pew peanuts. "Sorry about that," Kakyoin said, looking down. He hated himself for that, he was so stupid not to know.

"It's fine, thanks for the ice cream, it's really good," he said, enjoying it. He noticed that he had a cherry on his ice cream. "Cherry boy," he said, with a small chuckle. Kakyoin turned a light shade of pink. 

"Hey that's not fair, there's not a good name to call you....how about...tall man-" he said excitedly.

"That's fairly vague," Jotaro said eating his ice cream.

"Your face is fairly vague," Kakyoin pouted.

"Whatever dork," Jotaro laughed.

—Time Skip—

After the Ice Cream place, Jotaro walked home with Kakyoin, since they lived on the same street. At this point they're both in their houses.

Holly was there to greet Jotaro at the door when he walked in. "Hello sweetie!" she smiled, hugging him, "how was your time with your friend?". He pushed himself off of her.

"It was fine! Go away," he said in response to his mother's efforts at a conversation.   

He walked to his room and slid the door closed. He wasn't really mad or anything, he was just sort of confused. Why was he so nice to this boy? He stayed up thinking about it. He wondered why he was so mean to him one minute and then went back to being nice. He—did he like him? He blushed. He couldn't like another guy. That would be wrong. It would be unnatural. It started raining. Perfect for his mood. He stayed up for hours, debating with himself. He decided to try to be his friend. Friendships don't just start with love. He hated love, it made him feel so uncomfortable, he never got the point of dating someone, and he never considered it since he was a little boy in love with random supermodels.

And as for Kakyoin, he was screaming at himself, crazy red. He messed up so many times, but he made Jotaro blush. He made THE Jotaro Kujo blush. A normal person would get the shit beaten out of them if they said something to Jotaro that he didn't like. Even though he messed it up a little, he was all over the place, pacing, jumping up and down. He was just like a fan girl. He was so glad his mother wasn't home, and his dad was probably out drinking somewhere. Ever since Kakyoin's grandmother got cancer, his father took it really badly, and started drinking. It's really affected everything but the red haired boy tried his best to act like everything is fine, even when things get violent...

I'm so sorry I was gone for so long, I have a lot of ideas for the next chapter compared to this one so I'm sorry if it seemed I just vomited out some words and went with it.

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