Juvia's New Love Rival?: The Love War Begins

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"You are now Juvia's love rival!" Juvia exclaims

I sweat drop

'I should've seen this coming'

"Love rival?" Constella asks in confusion

"It's her thing. Don't worry about it" I tell her

"Calm down, Juvia" Mirajane says

I looked at Constella, who's frowning sadly


'Not even a day here, and I already made myself an enemy'

I notice Constella looking sad

"Hey, don't mind her okay? She's really crazy about that 'Love rival' thing" I say as I try cheering her up

And I guess it worked, she smiles a bit

I'm blushing a little

'What is this feeling?'

I just noticed something. Ever since I got here, Gray's always been the one helping me and making me smile

"Love rival" Juvia says in a creepy voice

I sweat dropped

"I'm guessing you're going to be here often" Leo says

"I sure hope so" I answer shyly

"Love rival"

"That's great. It's such an honor have two celestial spirit princesses here" Erza says

"Love rival"

"Come on Constella, hang out with us" Gray says

"Love rival"

"Okay sure" I nod

Gray guides Constella to a table. Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Wendy, Carla and Erza follows behind them

"Love rival"

Leo and I look at Juvia

"Love rival"

"Come on Juvia, let's go" I say as I pull Juvia with me and Leo

"No! Juvia must do something about this!" Juvia says as she runs away from us

"What was that about?" Leo says as he stares at Juvia's retreating form

"Well, at least she seems like she's feeling better" I say as Leo and I make our way towards the others

I'm seated in a table alongside Cosmica, Leo, and their friends

"It's nice hanging out with you, Constella" Leo says

"Thanks Leo" I smile

"Hey. Why are you saying that like you're not happy when you're with me?" Cosmica asks, pouting

"*Chuckle* That's not what I meant. You know how much I love you babe" Leo says in a lovingly

"Aww" Cosmica awes as she hugs Leo and gave him a kiss on the cheek

"Barf!" Natsu says

"There they go again" Gray sighs

"They're so in love!" Happy teases

"Come on, leave them alone" Erza says

'I'm really jealous of Cosmica'

"Hey guys. I have something I want to show you" a girl with blue hair says as she stops by our table

"What is it Levy?" Lucy asks

"Here" she says as she hands a flyer to Lucy

All of us look at the flyer

"Another miss Fairy Tail contest?" Natsu asks

"Yup" the girl named Levy nods

"When is this?" Erza asks

"It says here it's tomorrow" Carla answers

"Who planned this?" Gray asks

"And why so suddenly?" Leo adds

"Juvia planned this, didn't she?" Cosmica says

"How do you know that it's Juvia?" I asks

"Well she made it pretty obvious" she says

"Look at the bottom of the flyer, it says 'The Love War Begins'" Wendy says, pointing at the flyer

They all sweat drop

"She's a fast worker" Leo comments

"Well, I'm joining. What about you guys?" Erza asks

"Sure, why not. I'll consider this a rematch after our first one was so rudely interrupted" says Lucy

"If everyone is joining, then I think I will to" Wendy says shyly

"What about you Constella?" Gray asks

"I'm not sure. I'm really shy about this short of thing...But maybe I will" I say shyly

"Well, I'm always up for a good beauty contest. This will be easy" Cosmica says, proudly

'Cosmica is joining?'

"The guys are the ones voting, so I bet Cosmica will win" Levy said

"Well she got my vote" Leo says

"Aww you guys are gonna make me blush, I think all the girls have fair chances" Cosmica smiles

"Come on girls, let's go shopping!" Levy smiles

"Yay!" the girls cheers

Girls all over the guild starts stand up and about to leave when--

"Hey Constella, aren't you coming?" Cosmica asks

"No it's alright, you guys go ahead. I want to be here for a while" I say with a fake smile

"Alright. If you need anything, tell Leo. I'll see you later" Cosmica says as she and most of the girls in the guild waves goodbye

"Since you're doing nothing, I challenge you to a fight Loke!" Natsu challenges

"Hm. Why not? I wanted to see how stronger you've gotten since the last time" Loke smirks

"Go Natsu! Go Loke!" happy cheers as the three of them leaves the guild

I let out a sigh

"So tell me, what's with the fake smile a while ago?" Gray asks

"Gray? I forgot you're still here" I say as I smile to hide the awkwardness

"See? You just did it again. I just noticed, whenever you smile at Cosmica, it feels strained. Why?"

"It's really non of your business" I say, looking away from him

"Just tell me. It might make you feel better if someone listens"

After debating, I give in

"Alright. But please don't tell anyone, especially Cosmica"

He nods

Fairy Tail: Forbidden Love (Gray x OC) [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now