Picnic Under the Stars

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We're currently having a picnic under the stary night sky

We all lay down on our backs and pointing at each constellation we find

"Hey constella" I call


"Where did your name from?" I ask

"Oh. My name came from the word 'constellation'. Just remove the 'tion' and you'll get Constella" she explains

"And Cosmica's name came from or should I say based from the word 'cosmic'. Just add 'a' at the end" Loke adds

"Oh I see" I nod in understanding

"Oh Leo~~ you know me so well" Cosmica says dreamily

"why did you ask anyway?" Constella asks

"I just suddenly got curious" I reply

"*Yawn*" Cosmica yawns

"Do you want to go back to the Celestial Spirit World?" Loke asks

"*Yawn* No *Yawn*" Cosmica says sleepily

"...we can't...leave these two...alone" she mumbles something

Before she knew it, she falls fast asleep

Loke stands up and carries Cosmica bridal style

"Well guys, I'm gonna take Cosmica back to the Celestial Spirit World. You guys should enjoy this date a little longer" Loke smiles

"See you guys later" Loke says before vanishing with Cosmica

'Great. I'm alone with the girl I like and I can't even look at her. I can't confess at this rate. What should I do now? No, I should at least...'

'I'm alone with the Gray and I can't even look at him. What should i do now?... No. You need to be strong Constella. You need to start a conversation with him'

"So Gray/Constella" we say at the same time

"*Laugh* I'm sorry, you go first. No, you go" we sau at the same time, again

"*Laugh* It's really fun hanging out with you" Gray comments

"*Blush* Yeah, I feel the same way about you" I say, shyly

"I'm glad" he says quietly

"I feel different whenever I'm around you" we say at the same time once more

The both of us blush at this and we burst out laughing

We stop laughing and looked into each other's eyes with serious faces and

Our kiss lasts a minute

After I realize what we're doing, I push him away from me

"*Blush* I-I-I'm r-r-really s-s-sorry. I-I-I have to go" I say panicking before vanishing off to the Celestial Spirit World

'W-w-we k-k-k-k-k-kissed and my heart was beating really fast. I've fallen deeper in love with Gray. Plus, that kiss was my first kiss!'

'I just kissed Constella. What's wrong with me? I've fallen deeper in love with her. But I probably scared her with that sudden kiss *Sigh* I didn't even got the chance to confess. I'll apologize and confess to her once we meet again. Also, that was actually my first kiss'

Fairy Tail: Forbidden Love (Gray x OC) [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now