Chapter I

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I woke up to the sun shining on my face. "Padmé, come downstairs, it's time for breakfast." My mother chimed from the kitchen.The house was huge but my door was wide open so I could hear her loud and clear. I quickly got changed and ran to the breakfast table where my father was busy writing his own biography about his career as a professor at the university. The birds outside the windows were chirping happily and singing a sweet melody. "Ruwee can you please wake up Sola Dear?" Papa grabbed his coffee and placed his book down on the table. "Yes I can dearest." He said to mother calmly. On the way out, he put his book on the dining room table and gave my mother a kiss on the cheek on his way out. I grabbed my freshly cooked breakfast off the counter and a glass of orange juice and sat down at the dining table. I wasn't allowed to start eating until everyone was seated. mother sat down opposite me as father and Sola, who looked like she had been dragged out of bed, walked in. Breakfast was already on the table waiting for them because mother had brought it out early. In the middle of our long dining table was an assortment of freshly cut fruits. They looked like they had been picked just for us, which was probably what happened. My mother is constantly getting other people to do stuff for her, but she still teaches us basic skills like how to cook, clean and everything we need to know for the future. She doesn't want us to depend on anyone for anything at all and always makes sure that we are polite and have good social skills because we always host dinner parties.  Us Naberries are a well-known, kind and wealthy family so it is very important that we know how to act. We began to eat and it was delicious. My mother is a fantastic cook. "So, Padmé do you have any important notices today?"  "No, not really." I replied. "Ok. What about you Sola?" "Well you know how we were able to choose our next subjects right?" My parents looked at each other. "We were not aware of such Sola. What did you end up choosing?" "Oh I chose art, history, politics, literature and additional maths."  My mother looked pleased. "Very nice Sola!" I then looked at the clock. "Mother may we please be excused? We have to go to school now." "Very well. Your father will take you both." Both of us ran upstairs to grab our bags and waited for father at the door. We hopped into his speeder and left. 

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