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Welcome to my first Descendants book: Street Rat!

Ever since I first watched the first two Descendants movies in 2018, I had always wanted to write a Descendants book and now a couple of years on I have finally decided to do it.

Before we get to the story there are a couple things I would like to address first.

Firstly, this is a Jay x Male OC story and will include homosexual themes throughout of the story due to this.

Despite how silly this sounds to address, some of my previous male x male or female x female centred stories or side pairings have received a lot of controversy because a fair selection of my readers were bothered by the characters sexualities for various reasons and have chosen not to read on. Some people have even sent hate my way because of this and to some of my readers who have stood up for my choice. I'm not asking you to accept my choices of making this a male x male story but I am asking that if these themes make you uncomfortable for whatever reason that you do not read on and especially don't leave hateful comments on my stories because of this. 

If I do find that you have ignored this message and continue to read on, choosing to leave hateful comments on this story I will not only will I delete your comments but I will blacklist you from any projects that I may have in the future. (e.g if I ever open a graphics shop or a trailer shop I will automatically decline your requests).

Secondly, a very common thing I accidentally do in my stories is leave you on huge cliffhangers then not update for weeks, maybe even months at a time. I have quite a busy life outside of Wattpad and do not have a large amount of time to update my books but will always get an update out as soon as reasonably possible.

All I ask is for a little bit of patience and not to comment 'update' aggressively when you reach the end of that particular book.

THIRDLY (likely the most important part) here are some incredibly important things you need to know about this book:

1- This is part of a book series! The second book (which may not be published yet at the time of reading this) is set during Descendants 2 and will follow Gael Gastons journey in Auradon. Due to this, many scenes may overlap with that book and we may not see as personally into Gaels life/relationships as we do with Ali and Jay in this book. However when I do get round to writing the second book (First Mate) I will be publishing it alongside this one when we get to the second act.

2- I will be including songs from various other musicals in this book. As odd as this may appear, Descendants is literally a musical trilogy and I just don't feel like this story would give justice to the plot if I didn't add anymore songs to it. In order to incorporate this and still have the songs make sense to the story, I have decided to rewrite the lyrics to ensure they make sense. I feel that this is a fun way to keep the story going.

3- If you every see something in italics, that either means that they're song lyrics or that they relate to a direct quote or similar quote to the original Disney movies. These should be relatively easy to spot the difference but an example of this I will use is that is Ali asks another person the question 'will you trust me?' or something along the lines of that I will put it in italics to reference the original Aladdin movie.

Finally, I unfortunately do not own the Descendants franchise and therefore cannot claim ownership on the plot of the movies and the original songs created. However, I can claim ownership to my characters, my plot and any rewrites I have on the songs that I add to this story.

Adding to this, please do not copy any of my work or characters. I work very hard trying to be as original as possible and it breaks my heart having to do read that someone has copied my work. Simialrly to the hate comments I mentioned at the beginning if you copy my work I will not only report you and potentially block you, but you will also be blacklisted from any future projects.

All that aside, I hope you enjoy Street Rat :)

Lorna Naylor

STREET RAT / descendants / jayWhere stories live. Discover now