Sports Festival: Part 1: Rivals

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"Midoriya." Todoroki calls out to me as I turn around, shirtless, from my locker, and look at the heterochromatic boy, who stares at me like I'm a burning visage of a demon. Or he's just constipated. 

"Ya got something to say, or are you just going to try and intimidate me?" I ask, staring the boy down. He takes two steps towards me, nearly getting in my face. We stand about the same height, with him only slightly shorter than me. 

"Objectively speaking, I think we can both agree that I'm more powerful than you, right?" Todoroki asks, and I scoff. 

"Not really. Your quirk may be strong, but you're not. What's your point, ignoring how idiotic it may be?" I ask, and he narrows his eyes

"Midoriya, I can beat you one-on-one any day, and you know it." Todoroki says, and I shrug

"Yeah. Because of your quirk. Take that away? I would kick your ass with an arm tied behind my back and all my injuries from USJ on top of that. You're not as strong as you think, Todoroki." I snarl, and I see a bit of ice begin to spread up his arm. 

"Woah! Midori-bro, Todoroki, let's just calm down, huh? No need to get at one another's throats, right?" Kirishima asks, getting between us, as we stare one another down

"I plan to win, Midoriya. Pray you don't get in my way." Todoroki snaps, beginning to walk off, but what I say catches his attention. 

"Todoroki, I think you better start praying. Start praying you don't end up in my way." I snarl, pulling my shirt on, then storming out the locker room, clipping his shoulder as I do so. 

I go out into the hall, walking away the entrance towards the main field, sitting down on a bench, tapping my foot angrily on the ground. Looking down at my arms and hands, which are covered in small scars, much like the rest of my body, I remember all the times I've died. Cars, falling off of steel beams onto hard concrete, two separate villain attacks.........

"You good, Deku?" Bakugo asks, walking out in the hall, pressing something small into his ear. I know what it is. A hearing aid. His hearing has shot from firing off all those explosions for years and years. He puts the other one, nearly invisible, into his other ear as he leans on the wall across from me. 

"Never better, Kacchan. Just.....pissed the fuck off. Todoroki has the power to use his fire, and refuses to. He's not going all out, and that annoys me." I sigh, and Bakugo stays silent for a few seconds, before standing straight up

"Well, I can't help you there. Now, come on. Let's go kick some ass, huh?" He asks, and I smirk, then stand up, and crack my neck. 

"Yeah....let's go." I reply, standing up as Present Mic calls for everyone to come out to the main field. 

Me and Bakugo walk out first, followed by the rest of our class. As the crowd begins cheering at us I wave at them, while Bakugo just shakes his head. As we wait, the rest of the 1st year classes walk out. I spot Kendo and Shoda, and nod at the both of them, who nod back. Good to see they're not pissed at me. I think. 


"Mic, quiet down." Aizawa groans, followed by a dull thump of what I assume is Aizawa hitting his head against a table or wall of some kind. 

"NOPE! NOW, LET ME INTRODUCE OUR REFEREE FOR THESE GAMES, THE R-RATED HERO, MIDNIGHT!" Present Mic calls, as Midnight seemingly walks up some steps, revealing her in all her....glory, I guess? Her costume is pretty much just a dominatrix costume with less skin showing, and for reasons I don't know, and don't want to know, is licking her lips. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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