chapter 7

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"I'll teleport you Troupe Master, it's the fastest transport in this realm next to flying but you need to save your energy."

"Alright, do you have a message for Shade and the kids?"

"They should come visit me more often, I'm bored and if I'm being honest quite lonely. Plus it's better than the nightmares that have been stalking them."

"That's true, I'll come visit more too. I'll see you soon again, hopefully with the rest of our family."

"I'll see you in your dreams, good luck Troupe master."

In the blink of an eye Grimm stood once again in the physical realm, more specifically the border of Dirtmouth and the towns graveyard. But before he could get his bearings an explosion shook the ground. It came from right below him so he started to run.

"Radiance better not be fighting them."



As soon as his suspicions were confirmed Grimm teleported to the infamous temple. Well what was left of the building, a big chunk of both the roof and wall around the doors was gone. Shade could have quite violent attacks but destroy a building where their children were still inside?

"Shade?! Are you in here?!"

"Y-Yes! Be careful for your head, the ceiling isn't done falling apart yet..."

"What even happened to destroy all this?"

"The Dreamers happened, even in slumber they're quite strong. Apparently they can attack back with their seals. We tried to open the door because both Ghost and Hollow are inside and I don't even want to know what's going on with Radiance."

"I heard that!"

"Hello dear sister! I see your day isn't that fantastic! Are the kids nice atleast?!"

"I'm wondering how they're related to you both since these two are absolute sweethearts and you are brats."

Dad is father okay? There was an explosion and they said they're okay but they tend to say they're well to not worry me.

"They're fine baby, they're just their snakey self!"

"Grimm, hide. Followers of the Wyrm."

As Grimm quickly went into the Nightmare Realm Shade hid in the shadows. Just on time because two people came running in, someone with a mask that looked oddly like one of the seals and one likely teen with a bright red cloak and long needle.

"Stop running! You are not welcome in this kingdom! No bug has gotten out of here alive and I am not willing to have another lost life on my name."

"No...I-I'm I think I've been here or atleast have a connection to this area! See one of the symbols matches the mask I'm carrying!"

"Fine, don't come crying when you realise this place is long gone though."

The figure with the red cloak throws her needle and flies away on it's thread while the carrier of the mask steps closer to the menacing temple. He didn't realise that two gods were watching him and a third listened calmly.

Grimm, what if the mask does indeed have a connection to this prison? Maybe it fits like some sort of key?

I don't think so Radi, it's much bigger than the one on the door. It could however have a connection though. The fellow carrying it sadly doesn't seem to remember even himself so likely not the purpose of his package either...

I see

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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