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Cassandra was the queen of Kracidell, the spirit realm. Her face was the picture of perfection, her blushing red cheeks, flowing locks of silky pink hair, and her sweet eyes spoke of her precious spirit. The queen put her arm around Lynn's back and held her close.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment, Altalune, you're going to save us," said the queen.

Lynn struggled to make sense of everything around her. The queen had called her Altalune, that must be her name. Why was the queen waiting for her? What did she have to save them from? Her mind was full of questions. The queen saw the look of extreme confusion on Lynn's face and smiled.

"Come on, get some rest in my castle tonight. Tomorrow it's all going to make sense." The queen held out her hand to Lynn. "Let's go now."

She grinned pleasantly, and her eyes shimmered. Lynn, or Altalune, as she was named, trusted her, even though she had never seen her before. She took the queen's outstretched hand, and they left the lab. Altalune felt her excitement rising as a whole new world will unfold before her eyes.

"Welcome to Kracidell," said the queen as they stepped outside, Altalune wondered if she can trust her sense, surely a world couldn't be as seemingly pleasant as this one, she almost felt like she was dreaming.

"Kracidell is where unborn souls get prepared for life on earth, it like Great before," the queen explained. "And you, my little girl, are an unborn soul that will be something really special when you go to earth. Altalune understood, she nodded pleasantly.

Altalune walked beside the queen through the town of Kracidell, and the first thing Altalune saw was a bridge with a banner tied up with the words

"Welcome Altalune, our hero"

Altalune was confused; why was she so important? She wanted to ask the queen, she couldn't wait till tomorrow, she opened her mouth but was distracted as she spotted fairies as they passed the bridge. Everything glowing in some shape or form, the animals, plants, even some of the rocks. There was every sort of creature, all around was countless colors of beings Altalune could've only dream of. Kracidell was green and full of life. Altalune couldn't stop looking around as every time she looked around one more time as discovery after discovery is waiting to be made. Altalune liked Kracidell so much, she thought it's a welcoming place. As she walked further she could feel the warm air touching her gently. It was a paradise.

Altalune tried once more to ask the queen but was distracted by the sight of what looked like several grey boulders moving towards her. As they got closer, she saw that the boulders were, in fact, trolls. Short and very fat, their skin was as grey and rough as rocks, but they all had big smiles on their faces.

"Oh my God, you're here!" one shouted.

Another grabbed Altalune's hand and began shaking it up and down.

"I'm so honored to finally see you, great Altalune," she exclaimed with tears of joy running down her face.

Altalune was frozen in shock, she tried to say something, but no words would come out. The queen stepped forward and placed her hand on Altalune's shoulder, taking her away from the trolls.

"I am sorry. We should leave now," said the queen.

The trolls waved goodbye and went happily and were in full excitement. As the queen and Altalune were far from the trolls' village, the queen snapped her fingers, and a golden harmonica appeared in her hand. She blew a short joyful tune on it, and as she did so, Altalune heard the thundering of hooves. She spun around to see a unicorn running towards them. As white as snow, with a slender horn right in the middle of his forehead. The queen climbed on the unicorn and helped Altalune up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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