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It had been four months since the mission started.

Four months full of regrets, the constant fear of ejection, wondering who I should target next.

Things had once been alright. The Skeld didn't used to be covered with blood and scratches down the walls, the crew had 10 living crewmates, and the two imposters hadn't killed anyone yet.

Oh how I wish things could have stayed that way.

"Hey, Sophie, you in there?" Someone called, dragging me out of my pit of depressing thoughts.

"Y-Yeah" came my mumbled reply.

Quinn grabbed my shoulders, determinedly declaring "it's okay. We can still do this. Just... we have to finish our tasks and avoid the others. We can't make the mistake of trusting anyone again..."

Oh yes Quinn. You were very right.
But you trusted me.

You really shouldn't. You don't know what I've done. What I'm capable of. Especially since they ejected Nia.

"Yeah" I muttered once again. "Task in reactor"

"Really? Me too!" She exclaimed, "let's go"

Following Quinn, I frowned. I knew exactly what we would find in there. Half a body dressed in a dark green spacesuit.

I held my breath and prepared myself for the scream. Quinn... so predictable. And gullible.
"Hey, it's okay... but we have to report it"

"B-But that means... i-it w-was Dylan... he
k-killed everyone... he's like Nia... a monster-" She mumbled through her sobs as I reported the dead body.

I hated the way she called Nia a monster. Just because we weren't human... it's not our fault we were born this way. Not our fault that we were forced to come on this stupid human spacecraft and kill the pathetic creatures.

But... if she knew I was an imposter, would she say the same thing? Since she was my best friend through it all... and I don't wanna hurt her... surely she'd understand that I had no choice but to kill. She's shown me nothing but kindness since the mission started, surely it wouldn't change now, right?

But now isn't the time to worry about that. I helped Quinn walk to the cafeteria, Dylan was already there, sat at the table with his White suit, head in his hands.
When we walked in together, he suddenly bolted straight up, gasping.

"W-Where was the body?" He interrogated

Still attached to my shoulder, Quinn was glaring across the room at him. "We know it was you" she snapped in a harsh tone, "I can't believe you did this!"

"What?!" Dylan squeaked, "But I was in O2"

"We were together when we found him" Quinn snarled, "it must have been you, right Sophie?"

"It's him" I lied. I'd become a scarily good liar, I had to otherwise I wouldn't have survived this long.

"Okay" my friend bitterly snapped, "it's decided. Time to die, imposter-"

To be totally honest, I felt kinda bad for Dylan. He'd never hurt anyone, and he did defend Nia when she got ejected... even after the crew found out what she was, he said he didn't care that she was an imposter, and that we shouldn't be killing anyway. Then again, that made him sus.

Dylan didn't even put up a fight as we dragged him to the airlock; he was too in shock. Quinn roughly shoved him in, and he whimpered a little as he crashed into the cold, hard metal. "It's not me" he whispered desperately, but Quinn wasn't in the mood to listen. She nodded to me and I pushed the button, starting the ejection sequence.

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