Chapter 11: Well, this is awkward..

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Izuku types furiously on his laptop. He had just seen someone shit talk Hawks. No way was he letting that slide. No fucking chance.

Izuku usually read posts on "Hero Gossip" before going to sleep at night. (Though, he was at Depresso Espresso right now.) He was just scrolling through what was trending and found someone by the name of famousheroessuck31...Not that he disagrees but Hawks was an exception. 

Hero Gossip

What's trending:


Dude, did you guys see Kamui Woods fight today? He's hella underrated.

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I don't get why people like Hawks so much. He's such a show-off. Like every other famous hero, he let fame get to his head. He doesn't even care about saving people! Sure whatever, he's the fastest hero. Sure, he's saved lots of us because of it.. but he doesn't care about the people. Everything he does is for fame. He doesn't want to make us feel safe. He doesn't care about making our lives more peaceful. No. He does it for the money. And for the honor. So stop being so fucking blind. Don't give him what he wants. Famous pro heroes don't care about our well-being. It's just a fucking job to them. It won't matter to them if they fail to save us.

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That's bullshit. Where's your evidence? How can you prove that claim? 

224 likes           > Reply


@mightaswellnot I just told you. It's literally how he acts like. What more evidence do you need?

67 likes          > Reply


@famousheroessuck31 You proved nothing. You can't just go around saying that when you don't know his actual intentions. Have you met him before? Have you talked to him about his motives, why he does things the way he does e.c.t? No. You have not, so you couldn't possibly know what he's like. It could just be a persona. What if he's just an easygoing and laid-back hero?

I hate famous heroes myself, but Hawks is different. You can't just go around applying the same logic for every single hero. They are different people, we all are. So I'd appreciate it if you stop making false claims when you know absolutely nothing about him. 

637 likes          > Reply


@mightaswellnot Where's your fucking evidence then, huh? How can you prove that it's just a 'persona'? What if he's just a bastard of a hero? I'm just helping people open up their eyes. 

73 likes          > Reply


@famousheroessuck31 I know from fucking personal experience. And you're not helping anyone "open up their eyes". I know Hawks most definitely isn't one of those heroes. And even if he was, it shouldn't matter since he always, always gets the job done. Little to no casualties take place whenever he's on the scene. Go and do some research, then come talk to me because you clearly didn't.

And even if he was a bastard of a hero, would you rather not have him as one if it meant more people dying? Would you? Do you have any idea what his goal is? You don't, because if you did, you wouldn't be saying any of thatIf all he cared about was being famous, he wouldn't go out of his way to stop 5× as many crimes as other heroes by flying that fast, you idiot. 

Just please, do some research before claiming anything. We don't need people hating heroes because of false claims.

Izuku sighs as he posts his reply once again. He doesn't know why he got so worked up in the first place but he couldn't just not say anything. That guy was wrong on every level that existed. He takes a sip from his coffee and remembers that he needs to get a job soon...The landlady wasn't gonna accept late payment another time and Izuku would rather not sleep on the street with bugs as his only company.

Izuku gets a notification. The famousheroessuck guy probably. Izuku is about to check but hears a scream followed by a,

"Make one move and this lady here dies." The burglar says pressing the gun to her forehead. Izuku turns around and is horrified. The woman he had taken hostage was Yui! The kind one who often gave him free coffee... The thief looked pretty tough. The most muscular of the three too. He probably wasn't gonna let go of Yui easily. How was he gonna do this?

"Give us all your money." The skinny one who also had a gun says. How was Izuku supposed to stop them without Yui getting hurt? He debates calling the police secretly but the third thief was looking in his direction and he didn't want Yui getting hurt because of him..wait. Izuku internally grins as he gets an idea. Yeah, that will work.

Izuku looks out the window and gasps loud enough to catch almost everyone's attention. Then he yells out, "OH MY FUCK GOD, IS THAT HAWKS?!" This catches the thieves' attention and they look outside that window. Izuku uses that moment of their panic and sprints to the thief who had Yui as hostage.

Izuku grabs his leg and pulls him down harshly. Yui gets freed and the thug hits his head hard so he wasn't fully conscious now. Izuku grabs the gun and points it at the second thief who also had a gun to stop him from shooting. But it seemed he was too late because the skinny thief had shot a bullet where a family was sitting down. Fuckkk! He might not make it in time so,

"DUCK DOWN!" The family luckily wasn't frozen from shock and did so but there was another family behind that family (the people were all standing) who didn't seem to hear Izuku.

Another bullet is shot by that thief but Izuku thankfully manages to get there in time and blocks the bullets with his arms. That hurt more than he thought it would. But Izuku just ignored the pain and then pointed the gun at the thief with shaking hands.

"Shoot me. I fucking dare you. I'll take you down with me if it's the last thing I do." Izuku smirks maniacally. The robber's mouth is left hanging at him, the gun still in hand though.

Izuku grabs a cup of coffee on the table near him, still pointing the gun at the thief, and throws it at the gaping thief. Next, he runs and slides down with force, kicking the thief in the process.

The thief hits his head on the floor, not enough to knock him out though, so Izuku confiscates his gun. He points one at him and one at the third thief left. The only one who had no gun so Izuku saved him for last. The first thug was still on the ground and made no signs of getting up anytime soon, so Izuku didn't have to worry about him.

"Now how about you give everything back to the people. Make one wrong move and you die." Izuku smiles a fake smile. Karma.

Parents prevent their children from looking and everyone else in the cafe just stares at Izuku in shock. The thief does as he's told, also in shock at how Izuku is still moving. Little do they know he's been in worse situations before where he had to prioritize others' lives over his so this wasn't as bad for him.

Someone must've phoned the police because Izuku hears sirens but sees Eraser enter first. They both make eye contact and talk over each other,

"Well, this is awkward.." 

"What the fuck, kid."  

{Indefinite Hiatus} Oops, I did it again..!Where stories live. Discover now