Chapter 18

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Beestripe saw Mouseclaw hesitating. Finally, he plunged into the mass of cats and started battling the Dark Forest cats. He looked terrified, but loyalty drove him on.

Beestripe found his brother and leaped at him.

He stared at him in shock. He side-stepped and tripped Beestripe with an extended paw.

Beestripe yelped, crashing to the ground as his brother stood over him. 

"What is wrong with you?" he hissed.

Beestripe squealed, clumsily trying to bat at his brother, but having no battle practice, he obviously failed as Mouseclaw dodged easily.

He looked away, his eyes full of sadness. "Sorry, Beestripe."

He turned back and lunged at him, pinning him down. He bit into his ear, and with a squeal, Beestripe felt a searing pain as part of his ear fell off.

He tried to claw Mouseclaw, who dodged, and only fur was ripped off.

He rolled him over, starting to swipe at his shoulder.

In Beestripe's effort to dodge, Mouseclaw's claws caught his throat instead.

Pain filled his body for one second, and it started to fade.

There was something coming back to him-his courage, his loyalty.

It became one with his body, and he let out shallow breaths.

Mouseclaw's gaze was full of horror, twisted with guilt.

Beestripe glanced at his bloodstained claws.

'Only will this curse end at your fall' the prophecy had said.

That meant...that meant...

No medicine cat could save him now.

He wasn't completely dead yet, but his courage and loyalty was seeping into his fur, slowly and gradually.

"I'm sorry," Mouseclaw whispered, "I'm so no NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't leave me..."

Bestripe coughed up blood, "N-no M-Mouseclaw. Y-you d-did th-the r-right th-thing. F-forgive m-me. I-It's a-all m-my f-fault."

"I forgive you," Mouseclaw gave him a small smile, but sadness lingered in the depths of his eyes.

Beestripe's head dropped onto the ground, eyes glazed. His tail gave a last twitch before going still, his body limpening.

He smiled. His courage had fully returned now, and he watched his brother mourn over his dead body.

"Don't worry brother. I'll be with you forever," he whispered.

Mouseclaw pricked his ears, and Beestripe wondered if his brother could hear him.

"I'm over here!" he yowled.

Mouseclaw's gaze passed right through him.

Beestripe's shoulders slumped. I guess not.

Suddenly, he was zipped up to a starry wonderland.

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