Locker meeting..

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Conner X Conner
Conner frosting
Conner lawnmower

Chapter 1 "locker meeting"

It was the middle of the day, Wednesday lunchtime, Connor frost was standing by the lockers. His hair was slicked back with the tuffs on the sides tucked behind his ears, he was talking to his friend Holden his other friend josh was looking in his locker for his stuff for class. Josh was a tall guys he was rude at times but he will beat someone up if they hurt his friends. Holden was a nice guy he likes to annoy his friends. He has pink and brown hair with blonde bits in it too.  Conner and Holden talked about random things like how King Kong is worse than Godzilla.

"Look I'm just saying Godzilla is better than King Kong" Holden said

"Yea, but why?" Conner said back

"Because he can take a nuclear bomb to the ass and be fi-" Holden was cut off by josh

"What!?" Josh butted into the conversation

Conner laughed and looked at josh "what?, it's a normal conversation"

"I know!, but that's just strange"

"But true" Holden noted

Josh sighed and closed his locker, Holden watched josh close his locker and noticed he had no lock on it.

"Hey Josh."


Why don't you have a lock on your locker?"  Holden tilted his head a little

Josh looked at his locker then back at Holden "I like it better this way it's faster to get in and out my locker, then unlocking and locking it."

"Ah, I see, maybe I can try that but I don't want my phone to get stolen"

"Too bad" josh rolled his eyes and walked away to his other friends Tay and max. Holden shook his head and chuckled, he leans back on the lockers with his arms crossed

"Class is about to start"

"I know" Conner pulled his Pe shirt out. Holden looked over and sighed.

"Pe is an annoying subject"

"I know, I just stand around with Max and josh, sometimes my friend Tay joins in"

"Isn't that bad for your grade?" Holden raised a brow looking at Conner.

"Well yea but I don't care" he smiled and locked his locker.

"Alright then, well bye Conner" Holden walked away, grabbing his stuff and walking to his next class. Conner grabbed all his own stuff and went to his friends, joining back in with josh he smiled and they started to walk to class.

Time skip, "Pe doing the game of touch" chapter 2

Word count 420


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