"The game of touch"

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Conner, Josh and Max where standing in the middle of the oval, watching the others play sport. They talked about random things again and sometimes there friend Tay butted into the conversation. Tay did the sport unlike the others the main reason he wanted a good grade. Max looked at Connors neck and giggled, Max turned to josh and whispered to him, josh laughed and smiled, looking at Conner.

"What?" Conner asked looking confused

Max giggled and said "Is that a hickey?" They pointed at his neck

Conner puts a hand over his neck and shook his head "no it's a bruise fro-"

Conner was cut off by Tay who ran past "Its from Eli!" He chuckled and ran off going back to the spot at hand. Max laughed and waved at Tay.

"Is it really?" Max raised a brow and crossed their arms

"No it's not" Conner smiled nervously and laughed. Josh rolled his eyes and kicked the ball away as it went towards them

"That's not what you do, Josh!" The teacher frowned at the boys actions and sighed as he went back to teaching, josh frowned and crossed his arms looking at the ground, like a baby. Tay looked over and laughed at Josh being a baby.

"what's wrong John?" Tay giggled and smiled josh wiped his head back at Tay with his hair flicking into his own face, he grunted and walked over to Tay.

"I'll John you!" He raised a hand and Tay flinched and covers his face, Josh laughed.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry" he said in between laughs, Tay frowned at him and walked away, going to max and hugged them, Max made a small noise and tried to push him off. Conner looked away from his friends and laughed, he looked at the constitution sight people where busy building away in it. Then he saw a group of people messing around in the distance, his eyes narrowed and he made out a few faces it was his other friends Blake, Holden and...Connor... He was friends with this other guy that's also named Conner but he had a small secret, he had a crush on him. Conners eyes widened and he turned pink, he looked away and back to Max and Tay, Max was prying Tay off of themselves.

"Nooo! I wanna huggg" Tay whined

"Hhhh... no let go!" Max said back

"Buttt cuddles"

"No!" Max pulled Tay off and huffed, Tay frowned and crossed his arms, Conner smiled at them and sighed as the teacher told them all to pack up, he picked up cones and walked back to class as Tay ran off to get changed, after they all got back they listened to the teacher blab on about something then the bell went, Conner and the other grabbed there stuff and left.

Time skip Chapter 3 "games..."

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