Tisue Again

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I feel someone is coming.... step by step, it come to me then a hand touch on my shoulder... I turn back. It was.... that boy again.... he wipe my tears with a tisue the wind blowing his hair... his face is so close with me. Suddenly, my heart beating fast. I don't know why....

Taiga: You always being sadness. What makes
you cry again?
You: I... I can't... tell you

He sit in front of me...

Taiga: Why won't you tell me??
You: Cuz we are nothing, we don't know each
other.... can't you understand.
Taiga: So, why don't we knowing each other...
why don't you let me to know about you?

I take a pause....

You: Why you always try to help me??
Taiga: So you're not sad anymore... please... I
do this not for myself, but for you...
make it to you

I look down... He stand up and give a hand. I

look at him

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look at him...

Taiga: I'm Taiga, let me be your friend... so you
don't get shame when you sharing your

I slowly hold his hand and stand up...

I slowly hold his hand and stand up

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You: I'm (Y/N)

And give him a smile as agree to be his friend.... he smile too...

You: But I'm not ready yet, to tell you my
Taiga: It's okay don't be too rush, we make it
slowly. Let's walk together.....

We walk side by side... don't know why... but, I'm feeling better right now

>In The Classroom

Reika: What took you so long, and why this guy
walking with you? Hey you!! If you hurt
her I'll kill you!!

Taiga sweat-dropped. Everyone in the class are staring at us

You: Reika... could you please calm down... I'll
explain you later... let's take a seat
Reika: Hmmm okay

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