' Sleepy darling? '

13 1 2

Lozei and Alex was watching an movie

It was around 10:55 PM in the night

Lozei was gently caressing alex's hair like he was some kind of dog

But Alex was kind of liking it (don't get the wrong idea-)

It was calming alex's nerves down a bit

- 5 Minutes later -

Alex yawns as he leaned against lozei

' Sleepy darling? ' He asked as he continued to caressing alex's hair gently

' 1. Don't call me darling dammit and 2. Yes I am tired ' Alex said as he grumbled a bit

' Well then let's go to our rooms now ' After he said that Alex was already fast asleep

' Oh he's already sleeping ' He mumbled as he stops caressing his hair

He kissed alex's forehead lightly and gets the remote and turns off the TV

He picks up Alex and gets up

He then walked upstairs going to his room bringing Alex with him

He walked into his room and walks over to his bed

He lays down Alex on his bed

He then closes the door of his room

He goes over to his bed and lays down right next to alex

He then cuddled Alex as he puts his head on top of alex's head

' Goodnight darling. . . ' he said as he closed his eyes

After a few minutes he fell asleep

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