' Here's an tulip. . . '

22 2 2

Alex was in an flower field in his AU UnderWarp

It seems like he was getting an pink tulip

' There got one ' He said with an smile

' Hope he'll. . . ' ' Like it ' He mumbled as an pink blush crept up to his cheeks

He shakes his head and sighs the blush then faded a bit

He started to walk to an direction as he holds the pink tulip

He stopped at his tracks and opened an portal

He walked in the portal

The portal then closes

Alex then arrived at an AU

' DreamTale. . . '

He then walked around

┃a few minutes later ┃

He stopped as he noticed an familiar person

' •  •  • '

' you got this Alex. . .you got this ' He thought

He took a deep breath and walked towards lozei

' Uhm. . .hey lozei ' Alex greeted

' Hm? ' Lozei turned to look at alex

' Oh hello Alex ' He said with an genuine smile

He noticed the tulip Alex was holding

' Why are you holding an tulip there Alex? ' He asked curiously

' Uh-uhm ' He gulped as an pink blush crept in his cheeks

' Th-this is for you! ' He said as he gives the tulip to lozei

Alex was flustered and an blushing mess

' Oh? ' Lozei holds the tulip that was given to him

He smiled as an small pink blush crept in to his cheeks

' Thank you Alex ' He said with an gentle tone

' U-uhm yo-your welcome lozei! ' He said with an smile

Lozei then hugged Alex suddenly

' You're really adorable Alex you know that? ' He said

Alex didn't respond

He was hesitant to hug back but he decided to hug back

' Th-thanks. . . ' Alex respond

{Welp that's it for now}

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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