Gotta catch us first!

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We watched all the police leave from the side of the road when Gus spoke up.
"I could've won that thing."
"Sure you could."
"Yeah, you could've. Thank the Lord you didn't." Shawn told making the two of us laugh.
"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked as we began to walk along the side of the road.
"Oh, Gus. The guy who wins? Saddled forever as, you know, the dude that won the spelling bee. I'm sure you would have dealt with it later, but kids, high school kids especially, they're just ruthless... judgmental... horrible little bastards." Shawn explained as he counted on his fingers and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "You wouldn't have been able to date a cheerleader. They wouldn't have invited you to any parties. You'd have been the object of ridicule. I mean, this way, you got to be a smart kid and a cool kid, the best of both worlds."
"That's true. I appreciate that, Shawn." He told
"Shouldn't have said anything." I stated knowing what was about to happen.
"Yeah, it was a nice balance. That's why I had to give you the wrong letter." He told making Gus stop and glare at Shawn.
"You knew that was wrong?"
"Oh, come on, Gus. 'Aggiornamento'? Everybody knew it was an 'I'. Even Bunny knew the plan the whole time and she kept it a secret." He told making Gus more angry as we began to back away. "All right, you hold on. You were happy one second ago."
"I was about to win! I studied for three months!" He exclaimed.
"But you didn't!" I stated
"Yeah, and you would have kept studying forever and ever, all the way till nationals!" Shawn added as Gus just started to walk towards us slowly. "You're upset now, I can see that, but you'll be fine with it later."
"I think we should start running." I told making us pick up speed.
"You know what that did to me?"
"Yes, yes, I do. We went out the next night, and... and you were so flustered that you threw caution to the wind!" Shawn told as we started to move more quickly as he got closer to us.
"And you hooked up with Melinda Castleberg! It was nice!" I told as I began to run and Shawn did a limp run from Gus as he began to chase us.
"Come here, Shawn! Ash!"
"At least I was honest!"
"Honesty is the best policy Gus!"
"Come here!" He exclaimed as I ducked from his arm.
"Gotta catch me first!"
"How are you so fast?!"
"Have been doing a lot of running since I was a wee child!"
'Thank god for that case that lead to me being back here.'

We stopped by Henry's place since Shawn had a little gift for his father and Gus decided to stay across the road. Shawn gave it a knock making Henry come and open it.
"Ah, Shawn, Bunny. What a coincidence. Yeah, I was just reading the newspaper, a little article that sounded very familiar about a spelling bee. Also great job Bunny."
"Thanks father figure."
"Thanks for the help, Dad." Shawn added making Henry remove his glasses.
"Police ever get that evidence?"
"Yeah, a funny little bird tipped them off." He told making us both smile.
"Leg and wrist doing better?" He asked after he put his glasses into his shirt pocket.
"Marcus still wants me to wear it for a few more days. Just to be sure."
"It's getting there, doesn't hurt so bad. Listen, Dad, the thing about the house, the dog, it was kind of a big deal. And I know I held a grudge about it for a while. But I think you were right. A dog needs a house, and a doghouse needs an occupant, so as a token of my appreciation, I left you a little something. Sincerely, thanks." He told before he turned away smiling, dragging him with me as we rushed down the steps.
"Shawn? Bunny? Shawn? Bunny? No! No way!" He exclaimed once he saw the dog that was tied to a post next to the doghouse in his yard.
"It was Shawns idea!" I shouted back.
"Enjoy, Dad."
"Shawn, you got to take this thing with you!" He yelled as Shawn locked the fence gate.
"Are you kidding? There's no pets allowed in my apartment." He told before we ran across the road to Gus.
"I'm going to stick it on the street, Shawn! I swear, I'm going to...Shawn!" He shouted towards us as me and Shawn couldn't help but laugh.
"He's not going to keep that thing, you know." Gus stated
"It's my neighbor's dog." Shawn stated
"We better return it before we get into too much trouble."
"We'll take a lap around the block. Let him stew a little bit."
"You are such a bad influence Shawn Spencer."
"Oh but you love it Bunny." He told as he put an arm over my shoulders.
"I'm gonna take it and I'm gonna go, I'm going to stick it on the street! Shawn! Shawn!"
"Glad to be back."
"Glad you are back." The both told.

Ash and the Spellingg BeeWhere stories live. Discover now