where the story ends.

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floating between the lines of
an addiction with whiskey
and the mercy of a little someone's memories,
I realize,
All addictions
are the same.
Inherently used
to missing you,
searching for you,
and probably,
my ghost will never know
of any other place to roam.
This taste of longing that I hold,
Feeling it deep inside
my broken bones,
an extraordinary sense,
that one day,
you'll love me like
the sun loved the moon.
these broken pieces that
rattle around my soul,
hold no more purpose.
just a broken ray of hope,
that one day,
in a different time,
a different place,
a parallel universe altogether,
we arrive late,
in love,
drunk as well,
we fall in love,
and that's where the story ends.

~Dishashree Swain

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