Two- Romance without the 18+ *oh look two mafia peeps*

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Nikolai left.

In this room, there is only two of us. I wonder if he feels- the tension increasing as time goes by. I refused to look at him, afraid of the questions that would bombard me all of a sudden-even though I know he wouldn't ask if I wasn't ready. My eyes darted everywhere but him, the urge to glance even at his handsome features almost overtaking all of my self control.

Maybe I wasn't afraid of the questions.

..No. Not at all.
The tingling in the space between my legs blossomed, as I laid myself backwards on the new leather seat- to get comfortable in this situation- as I would in any other. I could feel his gaze pinned on my fingers as hot as a lava trail left behind from a volcano eruption.
I looked down.

Only to realize that, my right hand has been grasping the glass of red wine I've been consuming since the engagement party started. Willing my fingers to loosen themselves, I stood up and headed to the window sill for the wind. Air. All I need is air.

Right now, the scorching hot of his stare has followed me as my shaky hands -as best I try to hide them- opened the window and breathed the fresh breeze in, through my lungs and to my whole body. It does not help though, instantly my face heated up, when his eyes trail up slowly, from the bottom to the top, up to down the moment I turn around to look. At the office, of course. All the nice walls.

My eyes turned back to look at the beautiful scenery- galaxy themed sky this night.
It's rare, I thought.
But it wasn't really- not right now, when we're standing under the same roof and not to do anything to each other. Life wasn't fair.

Of course it wasn't.
Because again, I almost gave in at the temptation to touch him- before I remembered again, pulled back from my fantasies.

Iam engaged.

Things have to go wrong somehow, happiness never really lasted long if I ever think about it. Escaping, lying, manipulating- and when I got what I wanted- the past pulled me back.

Once again.

Maybe, it's because of my wine. Maybe. Something scraped my sleeves. I looked up, and there he is- man from my dreams, where I dreamt that the hero would save me. He is, both the hero and the man I would run from. Not because of the villainy, instead is the cause i would get if I gave in. If I ever give in.

...Maybe I've already done it.

Im not sure, what gives me the courage- the two sips of wine I drank, or the thought that I might never see him again. I grabbed his chin, as forcefully as one could, and placed my cold, lonely lips against his. I have never felt so well, so complete as I have now in my entire life.

His lips were soft, demandingly authoritative, leading the upper hand- as he kissed and kissed me like there's no tomorrow. Maybe there isn't for us. But now, it's just the two of us- simple, normal people with no vengeance, living a perfect little life in a castle.

His left arm slides around my waist, hosting my perfectly curved body to the window ledge. The right holds my chin, forcing it to the perspective the way he wanted it to, as always.

It feels like a drug. I couldn't stop.

I tried to.

Until- he pressed his body against mine, as everything gained speed- the only word I can use to describe this is right. It feels right. Almost as if he couldn't help it, his hand headed to my coat- and took it off. I couldn't really comprehend my thoughts right this moment, as he lifted me again like i weighed nothing- to the wooden table he just bought. The surface was smooth and clean.

I glided my fingers along it.


His eyebrows raised as he looked at me. The temperature in this room seemed to increase per minute, as I tried to suppress my trembles. Not long after, of course, my back is pressed against the coldness of the new wood. His figure leans over me, eyes surveying- not that I minded.

Tired of his hovering, I smashed my lips against his once again, not really satisfied at the smirk that I felt after doing it. Not that I really regretted it, either. His hands explored my body, fire igniting with no power to hold them back. As are ours. Auras, increasing as more sense came over me-

The door sounded. Not really a good distraction, we continued what we were doing, too involved in ourselves when the door behind us suddenly bulged open, a shocked Nikolai standing in the doorway. My vision clouded, as I realized he has already stood up, wearing his black coat on and faced the intruder in the meantime.

Blinking, I straightened up and sat at the edge, confirming all the foolish moves I'd been doing.
I had been carried away, clouded by visions of lust and anger.

"What-" he sputtered, eyes still looking around expectantly for an explanation.
By the time I stood, mind composed and clear- I notice him staring at the floors. Maybe I wasn't the only one who's feeling sheepish.

I cleared my throat, catching attention of the people in the room and looked into his eyes. Nikolai's hazel coloured irises.

"If he could do it, why couldn't I?"

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