A Heart to Heart between Heroes.

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On a random roof at night

Izuku lays shirtless on the ground with bandages on his chest, he still has his spider man suit on, he just doesn't have the shirt or mask on. The bandages were covering the 3 gashes he got from that fight with the Lizard. Izuku then begins to wake up.

Izuku: *tired/ painful groan*ow my head. where am I?

???: Ah your awake good.

Izuku then begins to look around and starts to gather information and tries to figure out what's going on. He noticed that he was on a roof and a skinny blond man in a trench coat was standing in front of him. He had bandages on his chest, but he couldn't remember from what. It then suddenly hit him, and he remembered what gave him those slash marks. His fight with the Lizard did a number on him. He then felt a cold breeze in his air and then his eyes shot open with an expression that can be described as "OH CRAP"

Izuku: Oh no my mask.

???: Don't worry young man you won't need it with me. I know you're the vigilante Spider man. I know you do this because of what happened to your father. I have been watching you Midoryia for some time and I must say I am impressed.

Izuku is just utterly confused, scared, curious and just a whole different mix of emotions so he lets it all out.

Izuku: Ok first id just like to say *deep breath* Who are you, how do you know, why do you care, and what do you want with me.

???: I understand that this may all seem a little much but know this young Midoryia.

The blond skinny man then began to grow into a giant of a man 3 times the size of the average guy. His blond hair began to straighten up more and formed a somewhat V. Izuku gasped and was utterly amazed at who he just revealed himself to be. It was ALL MIGHT.

All Might: You can trust me

Izuku: HOLY CRAP ALL MIGHT... I-I'm your biggest fan I have all of your merchandise and know everything about you. Your agency, all your fights with every single villain, your costume design. I'm your number 1 fan.

All Might: *Chuckles* Hm that's ironic since I have been your biggest fan (more like a stalker) for the past couple months.

Izuku: Huh? R-really?... Wait, you're not here to arrest me, are you?

All Might: HA HA HA... no.

Izuku: oh well that's good at least. But if you don't mind me asking. Why are you here and why did you save me and why do you know so much about me?

All Might: If you would sit down and get comfortable I will explain everything. Please let your body heal from those wounds while you listen.

Izuku then does what he is told and sits down.

All Might: Now you know this part of the story all ready but for the sake of understanding let's start from the beginning.

Izuku: Oh, you don't have to start from the ver-


Izuku mumbles: And you're starting from the beginning.

All Might: I responded to your father's murder that happened. When I arrived at the scene I found you and heard about how you were quirk less and also what happened to your father. Also, I am very sorry for what happened to your father. He was a good man.

Izuku: Thank you All Might that really means a lot especially to you.

All Might: Hm anyways... You seemed lost and even guilty like there was a huge weight on your shoulders. When you ran away and said "it's all my fault" I decided to check up on you when I was able to. When I checked up on you I found you comforting your mother as you told her the news about what happened. I felt... ashamed after that.

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