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Summary: Drownboo, anyone?


Ranboo wasn't sure where it all went wrong, was it when they accidentally burned George's house, or was it when he followed Ghostbur to a certain war criminals cottage in a middle of a barren snow field

Or maybe, it could've been when he had decided to come to this place but of course, he wouldn't dare say it aloud.

A muffled yet loud voice rang out through the entire plaza, that he could barely hear it clearly through the revibrating static that wouldn't stop (whywon'titstop-)

"-o, we have gathered you all today to be a witness to what happens to those who betrays our beloved country!" The booming voice of his friend (was he really his friend?) echoed through the few people who were citizens of New L'Manberg

The young president held up a worn and tattered, leather bound journal that had been clearly labeled as 'DO NOT READ'. His once bright blue eyes (it was once as bright as the sky) was dull yet stern and cold as he opened the journal and skimmed through it (under that facade was a pained teen)

"Who we have here today with us, is a 'traitor'" he said, the word 'traitor' being spat as if he had said something vile "A man, a citizen and a member of the cabinet he was, whom I had trusted and had pledged his loyalty to this country. Yet he, who had shown remarkable loyalty and utmost care for this country of ours, had betrayed it and betrayed us, only to associate and align himself with a war criminal who had once terrorized our land!"

Ranboo couldn't breathe, he could, but for some reason he found it hard to breathe under the scrutinizing gaze that poked at his figure. His limbs shook, gloved hands gripping onto the iron bars that confined him to the podium, the metal cuffs clung tightly to his wrist rubbing his skin raw. His red and green eyes glowed harshly, as his lungs constricted and his chest felt tight the more the young president and the rest of the cabinet revealed more of his 'crime' to the small crowd of citizens. His pupils dilated, slitted into a very thin line that you wouldn't be able to see it unless you looked closely. Anxiety and fear gripped at his heart, yet he desperately clung to hope and doubt. Hope that they'd forgive him and doubting that they would actually-

They would, because he betrayed them, he pledged loyalty to them and they trusted him yet he betrayed them

It's his fault, it's his fault for being a bad friend to everyone. It's his faultfaultfault--

"-they use you and then throw you away the second you're not useful or you disagree with them" the piglin hybrid said, a far and forlorn look in his eyes as he looked upon the horizon. He looked back up to Ranboo, and that look had disappeared and was replaced with an unreadable expression when they locked eyes briefly..."

The world went quiet, and his mind went blank as he stared into nothing. His lips which he had been nibbling on subconsciously as his anxiety skyrocketed, was now pulled into a tight line, biting the inside of his cheeks. He could hear his heart thumping as loud and as fast a drum beat could, his gaspy breaths became more shallow.

Was that it?

Was it because he betrayed L'Manberg?

But then, then what about the people themselves, he didn't betray them, he stayed loyal and cared for them and helped them as they were his friends

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