To Where Shall Your Journey Through The Labyrinth Take You? Pt.1

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Summary: Tommy having wings, and we know where that leads :)


He'd be lying if he said that being exiled wasn't so bad, at least that's what he'd say during the first few weeks of being in exile, time has passed and genuinely he thinks that exile wasn't initially as bad as he thought at first. Besides the fact that with every progress he makes it all just ends up getting blown up by the very man that had gotten him exiled, the man who had 'volunteered' to keep an eye on him. If Tommy knew better, that's sketchy as fuck but the empty, cold and lonely feeling he's been having while in exile -in isolation- prevented him from thinking too much into it. After all, Dream was willing to go and spend time with him even though he had much better things to do, was what Tommy thought.

Tommy was no fool, then again he was still just a child (though he'll never say that out loud), who had no one to teach him things about the world when he had been younger. So when Dream had first demanded for him to drop all of his items, armour and all, he was confused and frustrated but mostly confused. Because the man had no reason to, at least that's what he thought before Dream told him that it was for his own good, that this was so he could learn 'something' from it.

Of course knowing himself, he had yelled at Dream before he could stop himself, he had already been on edge when he had been rid of the shock from his best friend, which by the way had exiled him. Dream looked at him, that annoying porcelain mask smiling at him as if to mock him even more but before he could yell and insult the man some more, Dream had swung his netherite axe dangerously close to Tommy's neck. He yelped, his mouth shutting close as his blue but very scared eyes eyed the axe while glancing at Dream, afraid that if he were to make one wrong move he'd be dead.

Dream didn't need to say things twice since that day, well, maybe a few times when Tommy decided to be a little rebellious and start annoying and arguing with the green hooded man with the littlest of things.

A few days turned into weeks, then weeks turned into months, Tommy doesn't know how long exactly he's been in exile but he's come to realize that he didn't care for that anymore because as long as someone visited and hanged out with him, then that's all he needs. Although, turns out the overbearing feeling of loneliness and the lack of social and physical interactions have become much harder to endure. Sure Mooshroom Henry was good company at times, but it's not like cows can talk so that makes him a not very good conversationalist. Ghostbur visits from time to time, but not enough times and Ghostbur was a ghost so physical contact couldn't really be a thing, not to mention Ghostbur hasn't been around ever since he volunteered to sent out invites for Tommy's beach party.

The beach party...

The beach party that apparently no one had come to, and Tommy was still very bitter about that.

The one thing that his friends could do for him, yet no one bothered to come, not even Philza

-The man that he looked up to and saw as his father-

Tommy shook his head, taking in a deep breath as he gazed on to the horizon, his bare feet wet with salt water as he currently sat in the edge of the seashore. The sun was barely up, Tommy noticed and it seems that he had yet another sleepless night.


His body tensed but it also relaxed, he doesn't know how to react, but he turned to look at the familiar voice that had called out his name.


He blinked, rubbing his very tired eyes, before looking at Dream again as if to check if what he was seeing was real. The man in green looked the same as he's always seen him; green hoodie, netherite armour, shield and axe on hand, and that -annoying- familiar mask that smiled down at him. He stood up on shaky legs, a small smile on his face as he completely smiled at the green clad man before letting out a friendly greeting.

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