❦Oneshot: Red Thread❦

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By: AnimeGirl35

"Hmm? Mama, why is he sitting all alone?" I asked, pointing to a little boy with red hair and sea green eyes. He sat on a swing, holding a brown teddy bear, and staring at the ground.

My mama took only a glance at the boy my age before quickly pulling me along. "He doesn't matter. Just stay away from him, Hotaru. He's a monster."

After that day, I stayed away from the redheaded boy, like mama said. But that didn't mean I didn't watch him. He was always alone, always on the sidelines. Usually, I found him at the park watching other children play as if he was longing to join them. I wanted to get to know the strange boy with the red hair, but I heard what the parents say. "He's a monster, a freak, a mistake, don't go near him." Just like mama said, but that just made me very curious.

"Should I go up to him?" I asked Mr.B as I built a sand castle. Most people would see just a stuffed, fluffy, white bunny, with a blue scarf wrapped around his neck. But Mr.B's different, he can talk! Though other people can't hear him and they scold me for making up such foolish lies. So I don't mention him anymore.

"I think you should. He doesn't seem like a monster," said Mr.B.

"I know, but mama said I can't go near him," I state to my bunny.

"Yes, but he looks lonely. Plus, not letting her know won't hurt anyone."

I nodded. "Right. She doesn't have to know. Thanks Mr.B!" I grabbed the stuffed animal and hugged him, knocking over my sand castle. "Awww! My sandcastle!"

Suddenly, Mr.B was grabbed out of my hands. I looked up and see two older boys. One was holding Mr.B by the neck.

"Pft, why do you carry this stupid old thing around? What are you; two?!"

I stood up trying to get him back the boy laughed and swiped it out of my reach.

"H-hey! Give him back!" I cried.

The other boy was laughing too. "Why? Whacha ya gonna do?!"

They started running, throwing Mr.B back and forth, laughing. I went quickly after them, but they were much faster.

"Give him back! Please!" I begged. I suddenly tripped over and landed face first into the sand. They laughed and taunted me before they too fell flat on their faces. I giggled softly to myself.

Mr.B then fell out of their hands and rolled with wind before stopping at someone else's feet. A small hand picked my bunny up, but a lot more gently than the two boys did.

We all looked up to see the boy with red hair.

"G-Gaara," stuttered out one boy. Gaara looked at my bunny in his hands before looking back at the boys. They gasped before jumping up and running away, screaming.

Gaara watched them run with sadness in his eyes. His shoulders were drooped as he slowly looked down at me. I felt like I should run too since those boys were scared, but I didn't. My curiosity got the better of me when I stood up and walked cautiously over to the redheaded boy.

He looked down and held out Mr.B to me. "Um.... here."

I took the rabbit. "Thank you."

Gaara looked taken back. "You.... you aren't scared of me?"

I shook my head. "Why should I be?"

"Well... everyone else is."

I smiled at the redhead. "Well I'm not! My names Hotaru! And this is Mr.B."

Gaara stared at me for a while before smiling shyly. "N-nice to meet you, Hotaru. I'm Gaara."

Gaara and I got to be very good friends after that. We would play and build sandcastles. He was always so good at building with sand. It just like moved at his accordance! Almost as if he controlled it. I thought it was really cool how that could happen.

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