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Hi! This is poniesaremybffs with this month's questionnaire!

There will be a series of questions you are to answer with one of the choices. Each of these choices will have a number on the end of them. With each one you choose, you will write down each number, one by one, and then add them together. Then, at the end of the test, you will take the final sum of all your answers, and apply them to the results I will give. Now that that's cleared up, let's look at the questions.

Main Question: What type of “-dere” are you? (Dandere, Yandere, etc..)


1.  You've become friends with the new guy at school. We'll call him Lee. A part of you kinda likes him, and today, while you're making lunch, which one are you likely to do?

a- Oh, he'll be hungry! Lee is such a nice boy... I'll make him lunch! +1

b- Like that idiot will need a lunch. He should have enough pride to bring his own food. +2

c- I will make him lunch. Then he'll show his true affection for his true love... me. +3

d- He doesn't really care for me that much... I'll just make myself some food. +4

2.  Lee is going on a date with Mei today. What's your reaction?

a- Oh...I hope they have fun. +1

b- Whatever. Why on earth would I care? +2

c- He is, now is he? Where does this Mei girl live again?

d- That's cool. It's his decision. Why would I care? +4

3.  A group of friends are going on a camping trip this weekend, Lee included. Which one of these things would you be likely to do?

a- I'll bring him a bag of homemade cookies. Camping food doesn't seem very satisfactory, so I hope it makes him happy! +1

b- Ew. A camping trip with him? Like I'd want to that... hmph. +2

c- I can't wait to make a move. If that stupid Mei even gets within ten feet of him... I'll kill her. +3

d- It's just a camping trip. What could happen? Love? Hahahaha. Really? +4

4.  Lee's sister has been diagnosed with cancer. He's entered what appears to be a state of depression, and wants you to come with him to visit her in the hospital. What do you do?

a- I agree immediately. He's in a delicate position right now, and the fact that he's confided in me is an honor. +1

b- The fact that something bad has happened in his family is a shock. This has softened my usual rough exterior, and, still shaken, agree to accompany him on his visit. +2

c- At first, I find myself jealous. His sister is taking up a lot of his attention. I'll come with him. Should he love her too much, I'll take care of her when he's not around. +3

d- Of course! But, um, only because you're sad. I mean, um, sure. Yes. Of course. +4


5.  Lee's sister passes away. After the funeral, he's unmovable, terrifyingly sad. In truth, he's desperate for a shoulder to cry on. You...

a- I am that shoulder. I'm a mess myself, to be honest. We help each other through the pain. +1

b- At first, I'm tentative. Should I...? Before I feel what I'm doing, I'm hugging him. It'll be okay. +2

Naruto Magazine: Issue #10Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora