How they ask you out

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Natasha: Natasha didn't necessarily ASK you out she kinda just told you

How it happened :
You were sitting in your room when you heard someone knock you went and opened your door and saw Natasha you asked her what she needed and and said "You" you stood there looking confused for a second then she was like "You are going to dinner with me tomorrow night be ready by 8:30 and I'm not taking no for a answer" you said  "ok" then she left

Maria hill: you asked her out

You two were on a mission and were being shot at but out of no where you the great idea to ask her out you have had a big crush on her for awhile and it was now or never. You were taking down hydra agents left and right when you finally decided to ask. "Maria"  "yes Y/n"  "will you go out to dinner with me when this is all over"  " mmmmmmmm sure if we make it out of here alive"  she says with a slight laugh, Your eyes lit up and you threw a few Grenades that ended up killing the rest of the hydra agents Maria said "Why couldn't you have just don't that from the beginning"  "I had to make sure you would say yes ;)"

Carol Danvers: She asked you out

You two were cuddled on the couch watching a movie (you are a BIG cuddler and cuddle with every one) when out of no where carol was just like "Do you want to go to dinner with me some time?" You looked up at her smiled cuddled her tighter and said "of course" then went back to the movie

Wanda: You ask her out

One day you and Wanda were walking in the park arm and arm you two had been really close since you met but you had fallen head over heels for her and you didn't know if she liked you back until one day Clint told you that she did. So today was going to be the day you asked her out once you had gotten to you guys favorite bench you had finally built up the courage to aske her and when you finally did she jumped up and gave you a hug and said " How could I say no" with a big smile then you guys went home

Melinda may: She asked you

It had been a pretty tough mission and you were pretty upset because it hit kinda close to home but when Mel came in she had a bouquet of flowers in her hand and a cup of your favorite tea (sorry if you don't like tea) to make you feel better. You were very surprised by her actions because she could be quite cold but she sat down next to you and comforted you the best way she could but what surprised you even more was her request for you do go to lunch with her the next day and OF COURSE you said yes

Valkyrie: She asked you
At first Valkyrie was a little nervous but after she chugged an entire bottle of alcohol she finally went up to you and straight up said "Will you have dinner with me" and you said yes

(Sorry I got a little lazy at the end)

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