When they are sick

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Natasha Romanoff : when nat is sick she try's her hardest to hide it from you because she knows you will go all mom mode on her and take care of her.
Readers POV: I woke up to nat hugged around me and the cover bunched up around her which is unusual because she doesn't really like that much to cover to. All I would feel was heat radiating off of her and I could see sweat forming on her forehead.

I woke her up and said "omg nat you're burning up" she replied  with "really? I'm like freezing" and chuckled. I immediately got up to get her some ibuprofen to break her fever.

Hours later her fever had barely gone down and she was looking a lot sicker even though she tried to hide it I could tell that she was feeling terrible. "Nat you really need to lay down. I can make you some tea that will help a lot if your symptoms but please just take a rest." "I'm fine y/n I just need to run this off I promise I'll b-" before she could finish her sentence she ran to the bathroom and threw up.

I held her hair back and rubbed her back while she threw up profusely and once she finally stopped I led her to the bed, got her a cold rag to put on her head and some water then went off to go make her some tea. I spent the whole day taking care of her even though she insisted that she was fine multiple times.

Maria hill: when Maria is sick she is surprisingly quite the baby

Readers POV: I had taken some time off to go see my family because it had been awhile but I came home I was greeted with a sick Maria. I opened the front door and Maria was standing there like a puppy waiting for their owner to come home. She grabbed me by my waist and gave me a big hug while digging her face into my neck. "Hey baby I missed you too" I said said with a chuckle then feeling how hot she is "omg you're literally burning up" " Ik I've been sick for the past few days" she said softly with a sniffle

I tried to let out of the hug but she wouldn't let me "Maria let me go so I can so I can make you some food and get you medicine" she rolled her eyes before letting go... I chuckled. I went to the kitchen to make her some soup and tea, while cooking I heard occasional groans from Maria making me laugh because I knew she was just being dramatic.

Once she was done eating you made her drink a bunch of water then cuddled with all for the next couple of days.

Carol Danvers: when Carol is sick she tries to completely avoid you and when she finally sees you she denies that's she's sick

You had been looking for Carol all day but couldn't find her, like literally you went around the entire building but couldn't find her anywhere until you looked in nick's office. You opened the door to see Carol sitting in a chair at nicks desk on her phone. "Omg Carol I've literally been calling, texting, and looking for you everywhere why haven't you answered the phone" you said with slight anger in your voice. She just looked at you and said "sorry I've been busy"

There was more rasp to her voice than usual, her eyes were puffy, face flushed, and nose running. "Are you sick?" You questioned "no." She blankly replied with "omg you are come here baby" you said said softly. She just said "I'm not sick I just have.....allergies." With a shrug.

You went over to her and put your hand on her forehead "Carol you're burning this isn't just allergies" "I swear I'm fine y/n" knowing she wasn't going to admit to being sick you gave up and just said "ok well atleast let me give you something to break the fever"
You dragged her back to your room and gave her some medicine and tried your best to take care of her for the next few days.

Wanda Maximoff: when Wanda is sick she just likes to cuddle on you

Wandas POV: I woke up feeling so sick and weak so I just went back to sleep

Readers POV: I woke up and went to go make Wanda and I some breakfast as but usually in the middle of making breakfast Wanda comes in and helps me but today she didn't so I just thought she slept in a little. I get to her room with our food when I see Wanda still sleeping, I went to got wake her up when I felt how hot she was. I shook her awake and asked softly "hey beautiful are you ok?" She just laid her head back down and said "I think I'm sick" in her strong Slovakian accent.

I went to go get her some medicine to help then told her "I'm gonna go train with nat then I'm gonna come back and check on you ok" "please can you just stay here with me" she said so softly. Wanda was never really like this it broke my heart. "Of course I'll stay lemme just grab my phone and tell nat I'm not going to be training today" she just nodded her head ok and we cuddled all day while I played with her hair which made her feel a lot better.

Melinda may: Mel rarely gets sick and when she does she literally just trains the the sickness off she also gets but of an attitude

You woke up to the bed empty as usual since mel gets up really early to train and do whatever else she does that early in the morning. You went to the kitchen to go get something to eat when you saw may at the table with her head in her hands. "Hey sweets are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine I just have a headache" she replied then taking a sip of the water that was infront of her.

You went over to her and put a hand on her head "you have a fever mel" "I know i do but I'm ok". You could her the congestion in her voice "you're sick" you said "I just train is off I'll be fine" said back with a slight attitude before leaving the kitchen, you just rolled you're eyes and went to making yourself some food.

It was later that night and you made her some of her favorite soup since you knew it would make her feel better. "Here I made you something to eat" you said softly with a very slight grin on her face she accepted her food and said thank you and you two went on with your night

Valkyrie:  Valkyrie was the most dramatic person when sick and all she wants is your attention and to be all up on you

Readers POV: I woke up to Valk groaning and rolling around in our bed. I rolled my eyes and said "what's wrong" with slight amusement in my voice "I'm sick can't you tell" she said back
I replied with "no" while getting up to get ready for the day "Omg I think I'm dying" she said while making it sound like she was about to cry "you'll be fine Valk I promise" I said with a laugh.

I went back over to the bed to see what was wrong with her when she pulled me onto the bed and hugged me tightly " let got of me I have things to do today" "please lay here with me while I'm in misery it's the least you can do" I just laughed accepting that she's not gonna leave me alone at alllll today so we cuddled the entire day while she continued her dramatics.

(I  did most of this while in the school bathroom💀 also I did not proof read this at allll)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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