Trust Issues (Chapter 6)

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Armoni POV:

"So what's going on with you and Jerome?" Tatiyana asked smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and tried to hide the smile that was growing on my face.

I sent Zyonn and Aaliyah off with Jerome to get dressed while I took a shower and then made Tatiyana do my hair. She already has her cosmetology license, she's just in school getting her business degree.

Her and Jerome's mom are the only two people that I trust in my head.

"Nothing. He's a nice guy and fun to be around. We're just friends." I shrugged, as I watched her comb through my hair with a look of concentration on her face. "Why?" I asked.

"No reason. I just peeped that y'all were feeling each other, that's all." She said as she parted a small section of my hair and then wrapped it around her curling wand.

"We're just friends Yana." I sighed.

"Not for long." She sang.

"I know how he is Tatiyana. He's a hoe and I don't want that for myself." I said simply. I know that Jerome is a guy and he expects sex, which is normal. But I just feel like if I were to get into a relationship with him, he'd want sex from me and I wouldn't be able to give it to him. He would just end up cheating on me and my insecure ass just wouldn't be able to handle that.

"Okay, I admit that he's a hoe." She laughed making me crack a smile. "But I'm sure he'll be willing to change his ways for you. Just talk to him."

"But Tatiyana I-"

"No buts." She said cutting me off and then popping the top of my head with a comb. "I know that he likes you and I'm sure that he'll be willing to compromise his whorish ways for you." She said making me laugh as I rolled my eyes.

"You're just saying that because he's your cousin." I said raising my eyebrow and looking at her through the mirror.

"No, I'm not fool, you know Jerome got nothing but love for your fat ass." She said hitting me upside my head with the comb again.

"Why is everybody calling me fat all of a sudden?" I asked, trying to avoid the upcoming conversation I knew that was coming. "Have I really gained that much weight?"

"Naw bitch, don't try and change the subject now." She said smacking her lips. I shook my head at her and got my phone from under my thigh.

"There's nothing to talk about." I said looking at my phone. I noticed that I had a few Instagram notifications so I checked them.

"Yes it is, you like him, he likes you...." She trailed off before wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"I'm not trying to get into a relationship right now Tatiyana." I sighed.

"Why not?" She asked.

"I'm not ready." I responded, simply.

"Why Armoni? You're in college and you've never had a boyfriend before." She said shaking her head at me.

"I'm scared, okay." I finally admitted.

"Listen to me." She said snapping her fingers in my face to get my attention. I looked at her through the mirror and she sighed. "You've been through a lot and you didn't deserve any of it. But you can't let those bad memories and experiences dictate the way you live the rest of your life. Jerome wants to be with you and I know you want to be with him too, but you two can't form any type of relationship if you keep pushing him away like you have been. He cares too much about you to do anything to intentionally hurt you, so at least think about okay." She told me as she wrapped her arms around both of my shoulders.

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