The Timely Death of Pia

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She nodded along as Pia recounted what had happened to Jack, but then suddenly stopped when Pia remarked that they were finished.

"Finished? Not yet, there is still one more person who has to die," she said and Pia frowned.

"Who? Sophie? I killed him by mistake earlier."

"No, not Sophie," She said, taking a knife from the collection on the table beside her. 

"Who then?"

"You," she said with a smile and plunged the knife into Pia's stomach. "There is only room for one as the queen," she whispered to Pia, who just gasped in disbelief.

"How could you," she rasped. "Please, Archita, please."

Archita just smiled, pulled out the dagger and walked toward the front door, where she knew the police were waiting. Pia crumpled to the ground, dragging herself toward to table, hoping to somehow stop the bleeding. She wouldn't make it.

Archita began to change her demeanour as she approached the door, she sliced up her arm, careful to avoid any arteries, put on a limp and replaced her smile with fear. When she walked out of the front door toward the waiting emergency services, she played the part of the distressed student who managed to overpower the assassin perfectly. And people believed every lie she told them and they hailed her a hero for ending the reign of terror at Pobalscoil Neasáin

Archita became the queen of anarchy that sunny Monday morning, just as She had planned.



The Murder StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora