The "Alliance"

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Arturs lay poised to shoot atop the rooftop of the school, twisting the focus on the scope of his rifle.

Giedruis also lay in wait on the rooftop opposite, well, crouched with a knife in either hand and his scarf pulled up over his nose, but both "lay in wait" for their targets to arrive, neither aware that the other was there.

Geidruis inspected his blades while he waited, this would be a harder job, as he was only to kill four of the eight as they entered the building, so he would have to keep his identity secret. His job may have been nearly over, but he didn't want his cover blown too early. He had decided to use knives this time, as they made it easier and more efficient to kill, and required less jumping around that could dislodge his scarf from his face.

Arturs took a deep breath and flexed his fingers before gently placing his index on the trigger. He wanted to be ready and prepared as soon as they arrived at the doors. He was only to kill four of the eight, so in the commotion, some of them could become a harder shot.

Dylan was in front, followed by Wayne and Cian, then the rest of the group. Arturs peered through the scope and aimed at Dylan, while Geidruis poised himself to jump on Wayne.

Arturs tightened his grip on the trigger and fired, the bullet hitting Dylan in the temple. He dropped, dead.

Geidruis faltered, just about to leap when he saw Dylan fall. A clean shot, straight through the head, with the same accuracy of the massacre of his friends. And the same lack of a loud gunshot that had killed them. Then he remembered that he had a job to do and jumped. He landed right behind Wayne and swung the dagger quickly, slitting his throat with ease. Wayne, stumbled forward, bringing his hand up to his throat, the blood began to leak into his wounded windpipe and he slowly drowned in it. 

Arturs sent a shot at Billy but when he saw the dark figure drop from the roof, he lost focus just as he pulled the trigger and missed his head, hitting Billy in the stomach. "Ooo, that's gotta hurt," he hissed under his breath as he aimed at Ryan Grogan. Billy would be untreatable in six minutes, and dead in twelve, he wasn't bothered to finish the job by wasting bullets. 

He had no qualms with there being a second assassin, he was here presumably to kill the other four in the group, so he honestly couldn't care less whether or not they were there. Just as he was about to shoot Ryan between the eyes though, he noticed the other assassin's hair. A stray hair had fallen from Geidruis' small ponytail and onto his forehead. A long, blue hair. Arturs only knew one person with those kinds of locks.

"Giedrius," he hissed and took aim at him. He still had to finish off that job, including killing Giedrius, if he wanted his money. 

Geidruis jumped at Jason, stabbing the knife into his back then quickly yanking it out and using his dying body as a springboard to jump up to the rooftop. He needed to find out who killed his friends, so he could go about killing them.

He landed as gracefully as ever on the concrete and immediately spotted Arturs' red bag beside the sniper. "Arturs?" he said in shock as he realised who it was. Arturs leapt to his feet, seeing Giedrius jump toward him. "Sorry Geddy, but this is nothing personal, just money."

"Sorry Arturs, but this is most definitely personal. Money's one thing, killing the murderer of my friends is something very different."

"Well it seems we both want the other dead, so how about we just finish off that little group of annoyances before we settle our differences like professional hitmen?"

"Fight to the death? I'm down, let's deal with them," agreed Giedrius and he then turned back toward the edge and threw each of his daggers without a second thought, both hitting their targets, Ryan and Evan, in the heart.

Arturs pulled a pistol from his bag and took quick but careful aim at the last two on his list, other Ryan, and Cian. The bullet hit Ryan in the head, but the second hit Cian in the chest, ensuring a slower but still imminent death. "He always annoyed me. I never knew why, but he always annoyed me. I think it was his face."

"At least we've solved the mystery of why your bag is so big."

"And we've solved the mystery of the Super Stick's powers."

Giedrius' face turned to anger at this. Not only did he always dislike that nickname, but it was the nickname that Eimear and William had given him. The friends that Arturs had killed.

Giedrius pulled the two spare daggers from his belt and dropped them on the ground. 

Arturs dropped the gun he was holding and prepared to fight.

Arturs attacked first, sending a spinning kick that would've caught any opponent off-guard, but Giedruis was a lot older, and a lot more experienced than he looked, and his reflexes had been fine-tuned by years of training. He grabbed Arturs' leg as it came for him and spun him in mid-air, but Arturs simply used this as momentum to catch Giedius in a triangle choke. Giedrius easily pushed him off by jumping onto his back and slamming Arturs into the ground, knocking the wind out of him and making him release his hold.

Giedrius threw a punch that caught Arturs across the cheek, drawing a little blood from his split lip. 

"Now that's just rude, that's my good side," exclaimed Arturs, before using his own distraction to lash a kick into Giedrius' side.

"And that's mine!" gasped Giedrius, clutching his side. He only counted one broken rib, so that was good. He straightened up, the adrenaline doing enough to counter the pain. He leapt up, using his agility as his weapon and landed his legs on Artur's shoulders, swinging around into a choke then slamming him into the ground.

 Arturs was just about to attempt to flip himself up and back over Giedrius when an arrow right by his head halted their fight.

"That's enough fighting for now boys. I've been sent with a message. If you want your money, you have to kill the other after their jobs are completed. Understood? Arturs, you have to kill Giedrius to get your money, Giedrius you have to survive without killing Arturs until you've both killed everyone on your respective lists. Thank you. She will be in touch shortly," Pia finished. Turning on her heel and heading back inside, the bow still swinging in her grip.

"So that was...Pia," said Giedrius, releasing Arturs and clutching his side as he rose from the ground.

"Yup," replied Arturs, rubbing the red ring on his neck.

"So...Pia is a messenger for her, the boss. And possibly an assassin."


"Wow, that was unexpected."


"Like you, I always had my suspicions but her? Maybe her lip balm gave her superpowers or something."
Arturs chuckled as Giedrius jumped down from the rooftop and parkoured up the other side to retrieve his stuff.

"I look forward to brutally murdering you so you die screaming," Giedrius called to Arturs as he jumped off the roof and walked into the school.

"I look forward to putting a bullet in your brain!" replied Arturs cheerily, before bringing a hand up to his lip to assess the damage.

"Why does he get the injury easily covered by a shirt?" he muttered to himself, racking his brains for an excuse, before jumping down from the roof and jumping on his toes between the pools of blood on the floor. He didn't want to stain his shoes after all.

I am really bad at proofreading to do ignore any mistakes I have made.

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