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"watch where you're going!" I said, bending down and picking up my scattered books off of the floor.

when I looked up, I met a pair of unfamiliar blue eyes. might I add, really pretty blue eyes.

tan skin, light brown hair, dark, thick eyebrows, a mighty fine jawline, and those damn blue eyes. maybe 6'3? I have to admit, he wasn't that bad looking.

"do I know you?" I asked, stopping what I was doing. I had never seen this boy before, and I have gone to this school my whole life- so I knew mostly everybody here.

"no." he sneered, walking away.

well then.

I looked down to make sure I had gotten all of my things off the floor, and I noticed a small black key chain.

"hey, wait!" I said, running to catch up to the boy. once I reached him, I tapped his shoulder. "what!" he hissed, turning around and facing me.

"you.. you dropped is." I squeaked, feeling as if I had shrunk when I noticed how much taller he was then me- and at the fact that no man had ever raised their voice at me like that. when he noticed that I was scared, his eyes had softened- but almost instantly hardened again.

he snatched his key chain out of my hands before turning on his heel to continue his walk down the hallway.

I hope I never see that boy again.

breaking the bad boyWhere stories live. Discover now